31# So Many Cats!

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Joey Jordison X Reader.

Summary : In Japan, Joey and (Y/n) visit a cat cafe and it's cuter than they imagined.

Requested by : Anonymous.

(A/n) : You request cute Joey fluff. I will deliver.


The Tour through Japan has been going great so far! Everyone is having a good time and even if some things are still stressful, it's all worth it to deliver to the Japanese audience of Slipknot!
(Y/n) has always wanted to see what those cat cafes were like. They have heard a lot about them.
They seem to be trendy here in Japan.
This country has many unusual things, but the change is a welcome one. Better Experience it while (Y/n) is still young.

(Y/n) and Joey are walking through one of Tokyo's busy streets, hand in hand. Looking around at the many colorful signs on the towering buildings. (Y/n) is tall enough to look over all the locals and leads the way. Joey on the other hand isn't...
"Here, almost there." (Y/n) points into a direction, their voice raises so the drummer is able to hear them over all the noise. They pull on Joey's hand to get him to walk faster towards the direction that (Y/n) wants to go.

Joey smiles at the back of (Y/n)'s head. He always finds it adorable when they get so excited about anything. He himself is excited too, of course. he loves cats! Now that he thinks about cat's, he really misses his own feline pet; Mokey. Back home, he's glad his sister can take care of him.
He feels (Y/n) tug on his arm, maneuvering through the many people to get to the cafe.

Joey nearly bumps into (Y/n) as they suddenly screech to a halt. "Look, oh my god!" (Y/n) beams, pointing at the cat cafe before them. "There it is." He comments, letting (Y/n) pull him along to the entrance of the cafe.


The hostess of the cafe bows and welcomes the two as they enter. Of course, Joey and (Y/n) lightly bow in return.
The hostess leads them to a place to sit and leaves them there to get a menu for them.
Joey feels something brush against his calf. He looks down and meets the eye of a rag-doll cat looking up at him.
One cat, a Japanese bob-tail with a tuxedo colored coat, jumps on the table and makes himself comfortable there.
(Y/n) raises their hand and let's the small cat sniff and inspect. Then they stroke the cat's head and back, the bob-tail seems to love it.
"Oh this is more adorable than i imagined." (Y/n) says as the continue to stroke the cat's fur. it's loud in this cafe, noise of utensils clinking and cats meowing.

"yeah, i wonder if they have good coffee here?" Joey adds, eyeing the large cat castle thing that's hanging on the wall in the back, there are so many places for a cat to perch on. The drummer is amazed that the Japanese health department allows animals in a place that serves food and drinks.

The hostess arrives with the menus and hands the to the two and look throught it for something nice.
For (Y/n) the cappuccino sounds nice, with a slice of cheese-cake.
Joey also orders a cappuccino with a slice of red-velvet cake instead.

At this point, Joey feels four pressure points on his lap. He looks down and sees that the Japanese bob-tail has moved to rest himself on the drummer's lap. "Hey, buddy." Joey cooed as he strokes the cat. He feels more felines rub against his legs. He watches (Y/n) scratch a cat that's perched nearby, it really was a good idea to do to a cat cafe, it's really cute with all those cats around. Just be careful that you don't step on some cat's tail.

The orders arrived, and the cappuccinos are a piece of art.
The foam on the coffee and barista art made it look like a little cat! And Joey's red-velvet slide had a cat shaped piece of white chocolate on top of it.
(Y/n) just keeps staring at the coffee. "Whoa, look at that." Joey also gapes at the drinks.
"Joey?" (Y/n) asks, lifting their bag to dig through it.
"Yeah?" Joey responds, looking curious.
"Can i take your picture?" They ask politely, taking their camera out of their bag. They always ask whenever they want to take his picture somewhere, in case he's done with all the cameras for a day and doesn't want to.

Joey smiles, "Sure." He nods happily.
(Y/n) lifts their camera, seeing through the lens as Joey leans forward and smiles for the camera. He assumed (Y/n) wants to take a picture of the coffee as well.
(Y/n) does want the cute cat cappuccino in view and snaps a picture.
"There, beautiful as always." They smile at the picture they have taken.
They put back the camera, wrap a hand around Joey's head to gently bring him to them, placing a kiss on his temple.
Joey chuckles at the gesture, turning pink in the face.
"Let's just eat." He says with a flustered tone.


The cakes and coffee were amazing!
Joey and (Y/n) had a lot of fun in the cafe, although all they did was talking and petting cats.
After all the treats are finished, (Y/n) treats Joey by paying for the both of them. Then they said goodbye to all the cats and the hostess and went on their way.

Once again holding hands while walking through the busy streets. (Y/n) can feel the drummer squeeze their hand as they pull him through the hoards of people that are going home after a day of work. Geez, it's already getting pretty late.

"Okay, Joe. Where going to get back to the hotel and eat in the restaurant there. I want you to go to bed on time." (Y/n) says in a jokingly stern tone, they're aware of Joey's habit of staying up very late. Joey rolls his eyes, chuckling at (Y/n)'s tone of voice. "Yes, mom." He replies and laughs, though his laugh is cut off by a yelp as (Y/n) tugs on his arm and speed up.
"come on, i have always wanted to try sushi!" (Y/n) beams and speeds up even more, almost running. Their grip on the drummers arm not ceasing, Joey has to jog to keep up.

Then, after the diner at the restaurant. (Y/n) drags Joey towards their shared hotel room. It's late and Joey needs his rest, that's what (Y/n) thinks.
Joey can't help but feel a little pampered. (Y/n) always knows how to help him, he feels luck that they're his and he's theirs.
"Come on, It's a big day tomorrow. You need to rest and recharge your energy." (Y/n) explains while unlocking the door of the hotel room, pulling Joey inside of the comfy room.
A two person bed, just like the two had requested.
"Come on, come on. It's bed time!" (Y/n) exclaims playfully, jumping on the super soft bed the two share tonight.
Joey huffs out a laugh, shrugging of his leather jacket. "If you insist." He replies, "Let's get ready then, i'm actually pretty tired." He sighs and turns away to got to the bathroom and get ready for bed.

When Joey gets back out, he sees that (Y/n) is already settled into bed.
"Already getting comfy without me huh?" He chuckles and approaches the shared bed.
(Y/n) shakes their head and opens their arms as an invitation for him. "It's not comfy yet, come here." They pout, gesturing with their empty arms for Joey to come over and cuddle with them.
He rolls their eyes and climbs into bed, immediately settling into their arms. A wave of comfort washing over and enveloping him in an instant.
He sighs and relaxes, right in (Y/n)'s arms is where he belongs, it makes him feel complete. They give him a gentle squeeze, one be gladly returns. (Y/n) strokes his hair, which they know help him relax. And it doesn't take long for the drummer to drift of to sleep.

I hope this is cute enough for you.

Thanks for reading.
- Pennart.

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