03# One-Sided Chatter.

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Craig  Jones X Reader.

Summary : chatterbox (Y/n) having a one-sided conversation with Craig.

(a/n) : I really didn't know what I was going for here. All I know about Jones is that he's 'the silent one' , disturbingly so.

Craig likes to meet up with (Y/n) after gigs and/or interviews he participated in just to talk and catch up with them. But those chances are hard to catch, because both their jobs include a lot of traveling across states.

Well... (Y/n) actually does most of the talking.
But he likes to hear (Y/n) talk about their week living a rather ordinary life like it's an adventure. Their life sounds so much more peaceful compared to his. He also likes the way their voice sounds as they speak about their day.
(Y/n) works at an IT company, and comes in touch with a lot of interesting customers while traveling around for outer-state business, that makes for an interesting job and interesting stories to tell.
Luckily, (Y/n) happens to be in the same state as Slipknot is in while on tour, and both (Y/n) and Craig can find the time to meet up after quite a while of not seeing each other. And he has really missed them while away.

Craig's favorite parts of their stories is when they talk about their pet tuxedo cat.
He hasn't met this cat yet, but by the sound of it, he sounds like a little terrorist in a cute and loving way.

What's interesting about (Y/n) is that they don't really wait for a reply from him.
They wait for moment, agree with whatever Imaginary answer he delivers and resumes their talking. And it doesn't feel like talking to a brick wall at all, not for (Y/n) at least. They just keep talking. 


This meet up is no different than the other ones.
"Hello! Craig how are you!" (Y/n) skips up and greets the sampler happily with a little wave, they raise a finger and poke one of the spikes on his mask, a habit (Y/n) has developed and does every time they see him.
Craig raises a thumb up, indicating that he's good.
"that's great, hope the whole band is doing okay?" (Y/n) asks, a hit of worry in their voice. They are aware of how the band is and the Rock-star lifestyle they are living right now, and it's a little troubling.

The sampler merely shrugs, he's not sure how the others are now.
(Y/n) hums, rubbing their arm as they feel a bit awkward as a moment of silence arrives. Of course Craig never really starts a conversation, that is what (Y/n) usually does.
" oh!" (Y/n) perks up as they remember.
"you will not believe what happened this week!" they beam and then start talking.

(Y/n) speaks with wild hand-gestures as they elaborate their story that they want to tell him.
"I love the elderly customers that need help with their computers, it's so cute." (Y/n) squeals.
"except the elderly who avoid even learning the computer. That can get pretty tedious don't you agree?" (Y/n) turns to Craig, who just snaps out of a daze he was in while listening to (Y/n)'s voice speaking and elaborating their story.
(Y/n) awaits an answer for a moment, staring at the sampler.

He only gives a single nod as an answer.

" yeah, exactly! " (Y/n) agrees with Craig's answer.
"also i know you love to hear about the latest news of my cat." (Y/n) can see the sampler physically perk up at the mention of (Y/n)'s cat, Monty.
"Monty knocked over the litter box again..." (Y/n) grimaces as the recollect the memory of two days ago. "He should stop standing on the edge of the box." They laugh.


Craig has to stop (Y/n) from talking by grabbing their shoulder to get their attention and snap them out of their trance talking.
" huh, what?" (Y/n) wonders, blinking a few times.
The sampler holds his arm out and points to his own wrist. Telling (Y/n) that it's time for him to leave.
"oh okay. I've been talking to much again huh?" (Y/n) rubs the back of their head in embarrassment.

Craig waves his hand dismissively. Then pats their shoulder again.
It must be okay.
"Thanks for letting me talk Craig. No one let's me talk for so long like this." (Y/n) beams. 
"I can really vent to you! And for that I am glad." They smile kindly.
This makes the sampler feel a sense of pride. He's glad that (Y/n) likes to talk to him. Many people get put off by his silence, but not to (Y/n). They simply clicked a long time ago."well uhh, talk to you later then." (Y/n) smiles brightly at him. He smiles back, though they can't see it. (Y/n) waves as they walk away to get to the hotel they stay at. Craig waves back and watches (Y/n) skip off and away. 

"Hey Craig, there you are." Joey turns up next to the sampler, watching a person he doesn't know skip away from the two. 
"Who's that?" the drummer asks Craig while pointing at the person that has now disappeared from sight. 
Craig turns to him, moving his hand to the zipper of the mask to open it up.
"A friend." is all the he says in response. His voice muffled by the mask.
Joey seems unsatisfied with the answer he got from his band-mate.
"no man, like what's their name. I have seen you talk to them more than once." He pushes on, just wanting tot know the name of Craig's mystery friend. 
"(Y/n)." Craig answers, then closes the zipper again. 

"(Y/n) huh?" Joey fidgets with the chin of his mask and adjusts it a bit. "You ever gonna introduce them to the band someday?" He asks to the sampler.
The sampler merely shrugs in response. sometime maybe.

Joey and Craig turn back to reunite with the rest of the band.
"so, are they cool?" Joey asks, looking up at the sampler. Craig puts a thumbs up in response, that would mean a yes. 

Craig even promised them, (Y/n) would meet his friends one day. 

Good Endings are hard cut me some slack. 

Thanks for reading.
- Missalot.

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