16# Beautiful mind.

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Shawn Crahan X Reader.

Summary : Shawn admires (Y/n)'s sense of creativity and artistic views. Once time (Y/n) has an artist-block and he helps them with that. 

(A/n): i felt like i excluded Clown from my imagines. So here is a Clown one for ya.


clown takes secret glances at (Y/n), who is comfortably sitting back in a bus seat, sketching in their beloved sketchbook. He wishes he could take a look at what they have created in there. 
(Y/n) seems to take inspiration out of anything their gaze lays upon. 
they scribble it down with their little twist on it, creating something entirely different out of something familiar. 

He can only look in awe at such a gift of creativity that they have.  
He loves it when (Y/n) talks about their ideas for stories or drawings. It's truly a talent to be proud of. 
But (Y/n) seems... ashamed? of their talent. 
They don't show anything they have created, only talk about it. They don't want to make a profit out of it either. 
unlike Clown, he creates for fun and outlet with a profit as a side-effect.
(Y/n) does the same but without the profit part.

"Don't you want to do anything with your talent?" Shawn asks, not really thinking about what he is asking. 
(Y/n) looks up at him from their sketch, shielding the artwork with their hand so no-one can take a peek at it. 
"Uh, not really. It's purely a hobby." (Y/n) replies to his question. "If i got paid to draw it wouldn't be fun anymore." They say. 
Shawn and understand that. (Y/n) enjoys the freedom of creation, not creating for anyone but for themselves. 

At a signing in some store, (Y/n) is present as well. Although they are on the other side of the store taking picture that they got permission for to take. Clown can see them from where he is sitting, he knows that (Y/n) likes to take pictures of things that inspire them and to draw later when they got time. But Clown himself has never seen those pictures that (Y/n) has taken, and he wishes he can one day. 


"Here." (Y/n) closes their worn sketchbook, turns it over and hands it to Shawn for him to look through. 
"Hurry before i chicken out." Shawn gently takes one of (Y/n) most prized possessions in his hands, treating it with the upmost care. He carefully opens the book and scans every single page there is. 
This is an old sketchbook, for it's nearly full. All the pages of the book are decorated with rough sketches, some are funny and other are so messy and rough. 

(Y/n) takes a seat next to him, watching his expressions as he looks over every drawing in the book. 
"this is..." Shawn begins, trying his best to find the correct words to describe what he is seeing. 
"You're very talented (Y/n)." He compliments after looking up and meeting their eye. 
(Y/n) huffs a laugh and waves their hand dismissively. 
"It's nothing much, i have only been drawing for as long as i can remember." They chuckle, bragging a little. Being praised genuinely feels good and (Y/n) uses it to stroke their ego a little. 

"and you still don't want to earn with this??" Shawn gapes at the drawings, not believing that (Y/n) does this purely for fun. 
"Yeah, i don't want to be told with to draw, that's not very fun for me. I want to draw what i want." They elaborate, using wild head gestures while talking about their hobby that their very passionate about. 

Clown flips the next page, then comes across two pages that are full of sketches of the band's members! Even himself and the mask he wore in the early days. 
He looks upon in awe at the portrait of the band. 
"I get inspiration from all sorts of places." (Y/n) explains when they see Shawn's expression. (Y/n) gingerly takes the sketchbook out of Shawn's hands and close it to put it away. 
"that's enough now." They mumble, turning a little pink in the face. 
(Y/n) stands in and walks over to their back-pack to put the sketchbook into. 

Clown wasn't done looking through it yet but respects that (Y/n) doesn't want him to look through their property anymore. 


(Y/n) is resting their head on an open empty page of their sketchbook. The page has fade lines of pencil on it, several sketches that they have erased because they weren't satisfied. they rub their hands over their hair with a groan, messing up their own hair. They got nothing, fucking nothing to draw. Simply no inspiration at all!

(Y/n) growls in frustration, catching the attention of Clown who's sitting on the other side of the room. He likes to sit nearby them, (Y/n) is a calm person and he likes their company if he wants to take a breather. 
"something the matter?" Shawn raises an eye-brow, standing up and approaching the table where (Y/n) sits at. 
(Y/n) drops their hands off their head and onto the table surface, raising their head and look at him through their hair. 
"There is nothing to draw." (Y/n) complains, stretching their arms out before them, flexing their fingers. 
Shawn rubs his chin and hums while thinking of a way to cure (Y/n)'s problem. 

"hang on!" Clown snaps his fingers as he get's an idea, simultaneously getting (Y/n)'s attention. 
"come with me." He snatches (Y/n) wrist and pulls them up out of their seat. "Whoa, were are we going?" (Y/n) questions as Shawn pulls them along with him. 
"You'll see." Is all he says in response. 

Clown as pulled (Y/n) to the other side of the building to the studios. He's gonna let (Y/n) watch and see while the band is working. 
Shawn puts his index finger in front of his lips, indicating for (Y/n) to stay silent when they enter the studio that's up ahead. 
Shawn silently and slowly opens the door, grabbing onto (Y/n)'s hand and pulling them along inside. 

Jim, Mick and Corey are in the recording booth, and Joey is sitting with someone (Y/n) doesn't recognize behind the buttons. 
Standing next to Shawn, (Y/n) watches in awe at the band working hard. 
Staying as silent, and hoping not to be a distractions. 
The two guitarists and the singer do spot (Y/n) but are to busy to react to them. 
Shawn is still holding (Y/n) hand while they watch. 


"Wowie!" (Y/n) beams after they and Clown leave the studio. Clown smirks at (Y/n)'s new found joy. 
"holy shit, i have never seen a recording before." Their eyes shine with the new admiration that (Y/n) now has for Slipknot. 
"Are you inspired again?" Shawn asks, and (Y/n) nods with a big smile. "i gotta get to it right away!" The claim proudly, turning and leaving to get to their sketchbook. 

Shawn smiles and follows them in a much slower pace. He's glad that he can help his creative friend with creating. 

Not my best work to be honest, i just didn't have a prompt to go with.

Thanks for reading. 
- Missalot.

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