28# Big Cat.

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(Maine coon) Mick Thomson X Reader. 

Summary : A Day in the life of (Y/n) and their Maine Coon cat; Mick.

(A/n): I really like the idea of Mick being a Maine coon cat, it's hard to let it go for now. 


The ticking of the clock is the only sound in the room. It's a tranquil moment, as (Y/n) is sitting comfortably on the bed reading on a book. (Y/n) doesn't look up as they hear an almost harmonic click-clacking noise of claws over the wooden floor.  
The bed dips as the feline jumps on the mattress. 
The mattress bends under the cat's paws as he approaches closer.
Slowly the Maine Coon steps over (Y/n)'s legs and settles himself there on (Y/n)'s lap.
They raise the book up a bit to be able to reach the cat and pets him, Mick starts purr loudly. 

(Y/n) strokes the fluffy black fur, a giant bundle of fur draped over their lap. Mick let's out a low purr as he gets pampered by his owner. 
Their hand ruffle his head, he pushes his head back into the warm hand over his head, his purring growing even louder. 

(Y/n) smirks down at their feline company. Placing their book page down on the night stand, they now use both hand to cuddle Mick.
The Maine Coon let's put low meow, rolling around exposing his white belly to (Y/n)

"is this a trap?" (Y/n) chuckles, watching their feline pet squirm in their lap. His tail wagging wildly as he awaits attention. 
"I swear if you bite me, no wet food for two weeks mister." (Y/n) shakes their index finger at the black and white feline draped over their lap, giving him a stern look. 
"You hear me?" They joke, laughing as their pet meows in response, wriggling on their thighs.

Without saying anything else, (Y/n) gives in and strokes the soft white fur on Mick's belly. 
Mick let's out a meow of contentment, staying still to let (Y/n) pet him. 
While stroking the felines stomach, (Y/n)'s mind starts to float away, day dreaming. 
Their eyes land on a picture on the dresser. 
A picture of Joey and Paul, arms around each others shoulders and looking happy. 
That picture was too perfect to just not use, so (Y/n) framed it and kept is around as a time capsule of memories, both good and bad ones.
They subconsciously smile at the framed  picture, already recalling memories that are linked to that image. 

Mick paws at (Y/n)'s hand that has stopped stroking him as they were day dreaming. He meows to get their attention back.
(Y/n) turns back to the cat on their lap and goes back to stroking his belly. 
They can't help but chuckle at how cute their otherwise stoic and distant cat is being at the moment. He has his moments of wanting company. 


The next morning rolls around, (Y/n) yawns as they make breakfast for themselves, consisting of Coffee and  toast with jam. 
They mindlessly stir the spoon through the hot beverage, adding some milk to ease the bitterness. It's still relatively early in the morning, their heart still feels asleep...
Then, something brushes against their shins, a very distinct meow from below. It's Mick who came to say good morning, rubbing the side of his head against (Y/n)'s leg. 
"Good morning, Micky." (Y/n) greets, looking down to meet the feline's eye. 
"You must be hungry too huh?" They ask the Maine Coon. Mick only meows in response, (Y/n) not really sure why they expected anything else. 

After popping two slices of bread into the toaster, (Y/n) goes to feed Mick while they wait for the bread to toast.
Grabbing some dry cat food, they fill up his bowl with his breakfast. 
Mick looks at the bowl of food, then he looks back up at (Y/n), and he doesn't look very pleased. 
"What!?" (Y/n) shrugs, "You're not getting wet food in the morning, you're getting to fa... to heavy Mick." They correct themselves, gesturing to the big feline. 
Mick merely stares for a moment, then he listens and goes to eat his breakfast.

(Y/n)'s toast pops out, the toaster's way of saying that it's done and cooked. They take the toast, put it on a plate and use a butter know to spread some strawberry jam over the two slices. Breakfast is done.

(Y/n) is enjoying their good breakfast, listening to Mick crunching the dry-food between his teeth as he eats.

After breakfast, (Y/n) gets everything ready to go to work for today. They check all their things once again before heading to the front door to leave for work. 
Someone it standing on the door mat...

(Y/n) looks down at the Main Coon that's looking back up at them. He gives them a stern look, he doesn't want them to leave for work. 
(Y/n) sighs, rubbing their face. "It's to early for this..." Them mumble into their palm. 
"Come on Mick, I have to provide for us so i can feed your heavy ass!" They complain, Grabbing the large feline and placing him aside to open the front door. 
"I'll be back in the afternoon okay, as always!" (Y/n) waves goodbye to the cat and closes the door. 

Mick stares at the door, his puffy tail swaying from the left to the right. Then a moment later, he turns around and goes to sit down at his usual spot under the bed where he feels most comfortable. His little space where he can be alone. 

~~Later in the afternoon~~

The door unlocks, slowly opening up. Orange light of sun down enters, it's light crawling over the wooden floor. Then (Y/n) enters the door. They shuffle into the house, kicking off their shoes and dropping their bag on the floor. 

(Y/n) let's themselves drop in the couch, sinking into the cushions of the furniture piece. They let out a sigh that feels like they have been holding the whole way home. 
It was a tough day. 
It wasn't something that (Y/n) has done wrong at their job. It's merely an important project that everyone in (Y/n)'s team has been stressed about. All the stressing today have been very draining indeed. 
(Y/n) leans back, feeling like they finally take a breather. 

They barely notice their feline pet trotting down the stairs from the bedroom he has resided in all day today. 
A familiar sound of clawed paws walking across the floor and carpet. (Y/n) then feels the couch dip next to the, Mick has jumped onto the couch. 
(Y/n) can't help but smile when Mick rubs his head against their chest. "Hey, Mick." Their voice is low, giving away their exhaustion. 
(Y/n) reaches their heavy feeling hand to stroke the fur of the feline.

Mick steps on (Y/n)'s legs to get closer to them and rub his head on their face. He meows, as (Y/n)'s hands continue to stoke the thick fur of the Maine Coon. Mick starts to purr. 

After a while Mick settles himself on (Y/n)'s lap again. His loud purring the only sound breaking the silence. 
(Y/n) feels at ease again, their giant fluffy companion comfortably on their lap. They can't help but feel relaxed once more. 
It's been a hard day, and (Y/n) doesn't really feel like cooking. 
It's time to order something! 

Some More Mick action, but as a cat!

Thanks for reading!

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