15# Feline VS Canine.

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Joey Jordison X Reader.

Summary : Joey and (Y/n) having a debate over cats and dogs.

Requested by :  Anonymous.

This one is cute as fuck.

"Here you go." Joey hands (Y/n) a mug full of hot chocolate, decorated with whip-cream and marshmallows. Just because the two felt like treating themselves for all the hard work they have done this week. 
The drummer takes a seat next to (Y/n) on the comfortable couch, draping his legs over (Y/n)'s lap, squirming to get comfortable so he can sit like this for a long time with them. 
(Y/n) puts a hand on his knee, patting his leg. 

The two collectively take sip of the hot chocolate, to test of it cooled down and testing the taste. the beverage's temperature is perfect, Joey and (Y/n) both hum in contentment.
It's silent between the two for a while, just relaxing together. However, Joey decides to break the silence. 

"What is better, a cat or a dog?" He asks, the question seemingly coming out of nowhere. 
(Y/n) actually has to think about it. 
"err, it depends really. I think some of a cats characteristics have perks in certain situations." (Y/n) begins. 
"same goes for dogs." they finish. 
Joey hums and nods in understanding. "i think cats, i love cats." He says a little dreamily. 
(Y/n) chuckles at him, "I know you do, you own two of those beings." 

"dogs can be cute though." (Y/n) says while thinking, "unconditional loyalty and love." 
They explain, taking another drink from their beverage. 
"yeah but..." Joey starts, thinking carefully about what to say in argument. 
"dogs need constant attention and are basically like little children. If you work long hours it's going to be tough for the pet." He says, more to himself really, like thinking out loud. 

"you're right." (Y/n) nods in agreement. "not to mention that Dogs are pretty crossbred, cats too but. I don't really like pugs. Poor creatures are always suffering..." (Y/n) says with a sad look in their eyes. "Yeah..." the drummer agrees with a sigh. remembering all those crossbred dogs he has seen in his life, it just looks so wrong...
"and those cats with the flat faces? or the ones with no tail?" Joey questions and then drinks the last bit of his hot chocolate. "i'm not sure to be honest" he confesses.

He turns to (Y/n) when he hears them chuckles, "What?" He tilts his head in confusion to why (Y/n) is laughing. His long hair swaying to one side.
"you got a little cream mustache there." (Y/n) giggles. 
Before Joey gets the change to do anything. (Y/n) raises their hand to his mouth and runs their thumb over his upper-lip to wipe away the whip-cream. The drummer blinks a few times, registering what had just happened. 
(Y/n) laughs at the face that Joey makes, then wipes the left-over whip-cream on their thumb on their shirt, not really caring if a stain appears, the shirt goes in to the laundry bin anyway. 
"all clear now." (Y/n) winks, forming a circle with their thumb and index finger. 
Joey blushes and laughs, leaning over to put the now empty mug on the coffee-table. 

"where were we? oh yeah, deformed cats..."


Joey and (Y/n) continue to have a friendly debate over cats and dogs. both having good and bad points over both species. 
Sitting together, his legs still resting over theirs. (Y/n) hands resting on one of his knees. 

"both are expensive to care for." (Y/n) says, and Joey nods in agreement. "yeah."
"like you shouldn't plan on getting a pet if money's tight." They continues. 
By now, Joey has grabbed (Y/n)'s hands and it messing with their fingers. That's something that he often does when the two are hanging out together. He seems to like the feeling of their soft finger-tips, unlike his own rough calloused fingers. 

"and what about snakes? snakes are cool." (Y/n) perks up upon when they mention pet snakes. They think having a pet snake is bad-ass. 
"no (Y/n), we're talking about cats and dogs here!" The drummer says with playful annoyance. 
(Y/n) chuckles and holds their hands up in defense. 
"okay, okay..." They laugh as Joey gives them a playful push on the shoulder. (Y/n) pushes him back, and it grows into play-fighting. 


(Y/n) lands with their back on the couch and Joey lands on top of them, knocking the air out of them. They cough and pant. 
"Jesus JoJo." (Y/n) pants, using the nickname he hates so much. 
"oh, fuck you (Y/n)." He groans resting his head in their neck to calm himself down after having a play-fight. 
"whatever you say little man." (Y/n) teases, running a hand through his hair. 
"I'm not little!" He growl, lifting his head to give (Y/n) an angry look. (Y/n) laughs. 
"i'm just joking."

Joey sighs, to tired now to talk back now. Dropping himself down into (Y/n), who envelops him in a hug. 
(Y/n) chuckles, once again patting the drummers head.
"you still prefer cats right?" They ask. 


I'm sorry for making this so short. couldn't think of anything more to be honest. 

Thanks for reading.

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