13# Party Lower.

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Slipknot X Reader.

Summary : Mick, Chris and Jim are called to pick up their close and drunk friend, (Y/n).

Requested by : Anonymous.


'(Y/n) is best supporter' Mick once read online and he couldn't agree more. 
He anyone even dares to say otherwise to his face, he might have to pulverize some kneecaps.
Of course, (Y/n) is an independent person and has their own life to live. But he really can't help it, he cares for them in his own way. He met (Y/n) when he joined the band, and they have been a part of it from the very start. 
The whole band likes them, and a few seem to be a bit closer than others. 

Jim is an only child himself. Often wishing he had a sibling he could play with as a kid. when the guitarist met (Y/n) and got close to them, it feels like a sibling relationship to him at least. 

Chris just thinks that (Y/n) is a little irresponsible. Goes to many parties, but stays relatively sober most of the time. Only drinking until they get tipsy and then stopping. It's usually because (Y/n) is the driver of their own friend group. 


"see you guys." (Y/n) gathers their keys and get's ready to leave the room. 
"Where are you going?" Chris turns his head to look at (Y/n) with one eyebrow raised, (Y/n) freezes just before the door. 
They smile at him, "oh, I'm going to a party with friends. Someone else drives so i can get drunk!" (Y/n) beams, pointing their thumb at the door. 

"you gonna be careful (Y/n) there's crazies out there." Jim says, a look of worry on his face. 
(Y/n) waves their hand dismissively , "I appreciate the concern Jim, I'll be fine and careful i promise." They respond the the guitarist's worry. He nods, happy with the respond. 
"You can call one of us if things go unwanted." Chris suggests. 
(Y/n) nods and confirms, "I know see you tonight." And with that they leave. 

"They're gonna be fine right?" Jim asks the percussionist. He seems to need a bit more reassurance. 
Chris snorts, "They're an adult, maybe not a very mature one but it's unlikely that bad things can happen at an innocent house party." 

"What's going on here?" Mick enters the room. 
"Jim isn't convinced that (Y/n) is going to be fine." Chris explains pointing at Jim. 
The other guitarist tilts his head slightly.   
"What are they doing?"

"(Y/n) is going out partying again." Chris says nonchalantly, a usual thing for him to say by now.
Mick gives his band-mates a look, "so? That's nothing new."  He shrugs.
"That's what i said! But Jimmy here can't help but worry." The percussionist points his thumb at the one guitarist. 
Jim has a mixed look of offence and bashfulness. "can you blame me?!" He tries to defend himself, gesturing to himself to get his point across. Chris laughs at Jim's reaction.
"ease up Jim." Mick says crossing his arms. "(Y/n) can handle themselves."
Jim sighs, still not convinced.

~~later that evening~~

Jim's phone rings and he scrambles to pit it up. He recognizes (Y/n)'s number. Maybe something indeed has gone wrong like he has feared.
"Hello?" He answer the phone. 
"Hello, this is Naomi. (Y/n)'s friend." A rusty female voice replies to Jim's greeting. 

"Hi, is (Y/n) okay?" Jim asks, hoping to hear that they're fine and nothing is wrong. 
"They're fine but..." Naomi ponders for a moment. The guitarist can hear some party noise on the other side of the line. 
"(Y/n) got so stupid drunk, they uh... would be better off at home. Would you bother picking them up?" Naomi asks politely. 
Jim can't fight a rising grin on his face.  
"Where are they?" Him asks to Naomi. 
He can hear Naomi hum as she thinks. 
"right now they're on a bench trying to keep sitting upright. I'll text you the address of the party we're at." 

"Okay thanks." Jim chuckles and hangs up . A second later he receives a text with an address that's 15 minutes away from where he is. 

"hey Chris, Mick. Wanna go an pick up (Y/n)?" Jim shouts to his friend who are still in the room with him.
"yes, we heard everything." Mick claims as he stands up, dusting off his trousers. 
Chris stands up as well. 
"They did say that could finally get drunk for once. Maybe went overboard to quickly?" He wonders as the three men get to walking over to where Naomi said (Y/n) is.

They finally arrive at the address, which seems to be a house party in a suburban neighborhood. Right out side the house there is (Y/n), leaning against a tall woman with dark brown hair, drooling all over her arm.
Jim jogs up to the two, "hello. you called?" Jim asks the dark-haired woman. She confirms with a nod. Then grabs (Y/n) by their arms handing them over to the guitarist. 

Mick is glaring at anyone who dares to get closer to him. And Chris is dealing with some drunk teenagers that seem to recognize him.
Once the two spot that Jim has (Y/n), they walk up to the two.

"How are you (Y/n)?" Chris asks when walking up to them. 
"You look like Santa Claus!" (Y/n) slurs, jabbing their pointer-finger right into Jim's nose. He hisses and the sharp nail stabs his skin, grabbing their wrist to lower their hand.

"(Y/n) is really bad a being drunk even." Naomi jokes with a laugh. 
"That's why they are always the once to drive. Take care of them alright?" Naomi waves goodbye and return to the party.
"You're hair is so long." (Y/n) mumbles, caressing a strand of Mick's hair. 


Mick is giving (Y/n) a piggy-back ride, for they are very drunk and something  might go wrong if they are to walk themselves. 
Their arms around his neck, they cuddle into his back.
"You're so warm~." (Y/n) slurs into his hair. Mick tries to fight the blush rising to his face. 

Chris chuckles at the state that (Y/n) is in. He has never really seen them so hammered before. 
They're gonna be really hangover the next day. 
"(Y/n) is gonna throw up their guts tomorrow." The percussionist comments, lazily pointing at the drunk individual on The guitarist's back. 
Mick let's out a grunt in agreement. 
"at least they're just really drunk. Something worse could have happened." Jim confesses nervously. He's relieved for sure. But he can't help but make up fake scenarios of what could have happened. 

Mick and Chris groan in frustration. 
"Shut up James! Nothing happened. Stop worrying. " Chris exclaims, lightly jabbing Jim in the arm. 
"okay, okay!" Jim defends flinching away from Chris' sharp jabbing.
"yeah, shut up James!" (Y/n) laughs drunkenly, making Chris laugh right with them.

~~the next morning~~

(Y/n) is having a hangover morning in the bathroom. Hanging over the toilet. 
"I have regrets!" They gurgle, their voice echoing onto the toilet bowl they hang over. 
Chris chuckles, rubbing his hand over (Y/n)'s back. 
Jim is leaning against the door of the bathroom with his arms crossed. 
"got a little over-board with the booze huh?" The guitarist grins. 

Mick arrives at the room with a glass of water and medication for (Y/n). 
"it i'll clear up later." He says.
"definitely." Jim nods in agreement. 
(Y/n) coughs, "Ugh. Thanks for picking me up last night." They wipe their mouth, then take the medication and water from Mick to take. "It's not a problem at all (Y/n)." Jim responds, patting his own chest in sincerity.
"I carried you back." Mick claims,  then points at Chris. "He came along also." 
The percussionist nods and confirms. 
"Jim was worried sick." He smirks, pointing his thumb and the mentioned guitarist.
Jim turns pink and rubs the back of his neck. 

(Y/n) blinks, then smiles a lazy smile. 
"I appreciate it, I really do guys. I can't thank you enough." They rub their temple, trying to ease their pointing headache. 
"I'm gonna lay it low for the next couple days. I'm gonna take a nap right now." (Y/n) says after downing the medication with water. 
They sigh in exhaustion, maneuvering past the three musicians. 
"I can repay you three sometime!" (Y/n) shouts at them before leaving. 
They feel bad for leaving the three men like that. 
But their head is pounding right now and they just want to sleep it off. 

(Y/n) thinks that they can repay the three band-mates later...

There you go anonymous. hope you like it!

Thanks for reading.
- Missalot.

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