22#Fall Flat!

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Slipknot x Reader.

Summary: (Y/n) is overworked from working in the summer heat and nearly faints when going home. (loosely based with a personal experience of fainting)

Requested by : Anonymous

(Y/n) huffs and wipes their sweating forehead. They have been working in the summer heat at a construction all fucking day. That stuff takes a hold on you, swallows you whole.
Not to mention that they haven't drank much at all, that's not a clever plan when it's so hot outside.

Nearing the mansion, (Y/n) pants. 'almost there.' they think. 'i'm almost there.'
(Y/n) enters the building, closing the door behind them. It feels like their legs can five out at any moment. The sole of their feet are stinging and numb. Damn it.
(Y/n) feels sick to their stomach.
They keep their hand part of the wall and furniture to keep ground and keep from falling.
'just find someone!' (Y/n) screams in their thoughts, 'find someone before i go down'

(Y/n) follows the voices that they hear further ahead.
They huff in exhaustion, the voices growing nearer as they come closer.
(Y/n) takes a moment to get their bearings, taking a deep breath. The extra oxygen clears their vision a little bit, along with their head.
They huff, stand up straight again and start to get closer to the noise. Still leaning against the wall for support.


(Y/n) enters the room. A whole string of greetings from the band that's sitting there.
(Y/n) let's out a dramatic sigh, throwing their bag away without care.
"fuck, what a day." they complain, running their hands through their sweaty hair.

"how was work?" Corey speaks up.
The band watches as (Y/n) joins the group and rests their elbows on the nearby table, rubbing their temples.
"tiring." (Y/n) slurs their answer. They rest their head in their hands. Their head is pounding but their is no pain.

"you okay?" Paul questions. "you look paler than you usually do."

(Y/n) groans, "everything is spinning." They mumble. Black splotches are dancing across their vision, slowly the splotches grow in size until their vision goes all dark.
(Y/n) is losing their balance and starts to tumble to one side.

Jim, who is closest to (Y/n). Instantly stands up. With his fast reflexes, he catches (Y/n)'s arms before they could fall. Their head resting against his shoulder.
"whoa! Whoa." the guitarist panics, looking ever at his band for help.

The whole bands stands up and crowds Jim and (Y/n).
"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Joey calls their name, a hint of worry lacing his voice.
"what's happening?" (Y/n) says, a drowsy look on their face.. Jim thinks fast. Dragging (Y/n) over to the couches and placing them down with the help of Chris.

"open a window. Get some fresh air."
Jim orders Corey, who rushes off to open the nearby window.
"get them some water." Chris says, and Craig goes to the kitchen to get some water for (Y/n)

(Y/n) is luckily getting their bearings again.
Leaning against Jim who's sitting next to them.
They groan and rub their hand through their hair.
"ugh, what happened?" They ask the band that's crowding around them.
They let go of Jim's shoulder and sitting up straight.
Craig returns into the room with a glass of water and hands it too (Y/n), who thanks him.

"I think you fainted." Sid comments, and everyone else seems to agree with the DJ's assumption.
"oh." is all what (Y/n) says in response, taking a sip of the cold water.

"what'd you do today to make you faint like that?" Shawn asks, the whole band hold the same expression as the percussionist. All eager for an answer, all worried that (Y/n) is overworking themselves. The band knows all to well that that's incredibly bad for you.

"oh, I did some carpeting in the summer head, and most likely didn't drink enough water." they say nonchalantly. As if it was no big deal.

Slipknot doesn't look to happy with the explanation. Looking at (Y/n) in worry.
"You should have drank more water." Mick says sternly, like a father scolding a child. 
"Argh, don't get so worked up. I know better, it won't happen again." (Y/n) holds their free hand up in defense. 
The band didn't look very convinced with what (Y/n) said. 

(Y/n) is very amused with how the band is acting, they all must care a lot about (Y/n). 
"just watch yourself (Y/n)." Corey says, everyone else hums in agreement. 
(Y/n) takes a look at the band that's crowding around them, they all look so worried, as if (Y/n) is dying but they're really not though. 
They don't like that look of concern on their faces. Perhaps they should change the subject?

"listen guys." (Y/n) speaks up, gaining the band's attention again. 
"is was simply being careless okay? I was so busy today i could't really take breaks today. I swear i'm fine alright. Sorry to worry you so much." (Y/n) says to the group before them, and they all seem to ease up a bit. 

"If you guys don't mind." (Y/n) starts again, "Get me some space please." They shoo the band away with their hand. 
Slipknot respects (Y/n)'s need for space and they all take a view steps back. 
Mick, Craig, Joey and Shawn are now glad that (Y/n) is alright again, an the three go back on doing their own business. 

Jim decided to stay close by, along with Corey. The rest are still in close proximity but have also went back to work. 
(Y/n) already feels a lot better,  finishing the glass of water, they place it back down in the nearby coffee table. 
"Do you want some more water?" Corey asks, (Y/n) shakes their head. "no thanks, i'm alright again." They respond. The singer nods and leans back to continue his writing. 

The shock is over now, and everything is back to normal. (Y/n) can't help but feel a bit special that their friends care so much about them.

Not my proudest piece of work. i'm sorry, i hope you liked it. 

Thanks for reading.
- Missalot.

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