06# The Fuzz Illness.

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(Cat-boy) Joey Jordison X Reader.

Summary : Joey hasn't been seen in a while. He says he sick. So (Y/n) visits to check on him. And describes something strange.

Fluff times.


Joey hasn't been seen outside for a week now. And everyone was getting rightfully worried about his well being. Though he gave Corey one phone call, saying that he's really sick and needs some time off. 
Corey understood at first, but then after four days he got impatient and started spam-calling Joey to get back to work. 

So, out of all the people out there, (Y/n) is tasked with checking up on him by showing up at his house. 

Parking the car, (Y/n) steps out and closes the car's door.
Looking at the house, their worry for Joey's well being only grows.
Walking up to the front-door, (Y/n) rings the door-bell, waits a minute and then rings the bell again.

Maybe Joey is really sick and unable to get out of bed?
(Y/n) digs into their pockets for their keys.
(Y/n) was once given a spare key once for emergency. This feels like an emergency so it's not trespassing at all, right?

Taking the keys, they unlock the front door and let themselves in.
Gently closing the front-door behind themselves.
(Y/n) is greeted by two cats, Meowing at them.
"hey." they greet the cats back.
"where is Joey?" (Y/n) asks the felines, getting no vocal answers of course, only meows.
"Okay, I'll look for him myself." they walk around the house, trying to find their way around and find 


From the darkness of under the blankets, Joey can hear someone walking around the house. He curls in on himself, shaking.
Praying that whoever is there to find what they are looking for and leave, maybe feed his cats on the way out? He hasn't done that yet today.
He hugs the pillow tighter to himself.

Oh God, he can hear them calling his name. Their voice sounds familiar, it's (Y/n), nearing his bedroom.
Better them than his band-mates right now.
"Joey? Are you in there? Are you okay?" their voice is muffled by the only barrier between the two of them, the door.
"Don-don't come in!" He calls back. But it's no use. Calling like that only increases the amount of concern that (Y/n) has. 

"i haven't seen you in days. what's going on?" He can hear them calling. His cats meowing for him, scratching at the door to be let in. He can't bare to face them, let alone anyone for that matter, not with the way he looks now!
Despite being warned, (Y/n) opens the door and enters the bedroom. 
Joey hopes that the blankets consume him into the void just so he can escape this situation. 
He can hear footsteps nearing the bed he's on. He can feel his cats, jump on the bed.

"Joey?" (Y/n) asks, their voice lacing with worry.
He feel a comforting hand on his arm.
He let's out a whine, how could he even face them looking like this?
'you can't his forever' he thinks.
Just, introduce them to the changes. Slowly, he rises up in a sitting position on the bed, still tightly wrapped in the blankets, all is covered excepted his face.

"Hey (Y/n)." He greets meekly,  watching as (Y/n)'s eyes soften at the sight of his face. 
"dude, you have been here this whole time? No one has seen you in days." (Y/n) says. Joey looks away in shame. something under the blankets beside him is moving.
"I know." he replies. gripping the sheet around himself tightly. But he knows he can't hide anymore, now that (Y/n) found him. 

"What's going on? What happened? Did someone die?" They ask boldly, tilting their head to one side. 
Joey huff a laugh and shakes his head, "No, fortunately no one died (Y/n)." 
"Then what is it?" They just keep pushing. 

"Listen (Y/n), a wild cat that appeared in my yard a few days ago. It tried to shoo it away sense it was scaring my cats. It scratched me when i pushed it away and it scurried off." Joey explains. (Y/n) is still a bit confused. 
"Something happened when it scratched me. I felt really sick that evening. And when i woke up..." Joey lifts the blankets off of his head, revealing a set of pointy cat ears on the op of his head. 
They are black just like his hair, the very tips of the ears red like his highlights. 
"Oh my god... Are-are those real??" (Y/n) gasp, reaching up to pinch the left ear. His face scrunches up at the feeling. "That tickles." He says. (Y/n) retreats their hand. "sorry." They mumble an apology. 
"It reminds me of those Japanese cartoons..." They says staring at Joey's new features.

"and that's no all." He claims, lifting the blankets off of himself completely. Under the blankets was a tail hidden. The tail is just as black as the ears, the very tip is white. The fur on the tail is thick, like it's the tail of on of those Siberian forest cats. 
"whoa!!" (Y/n) gasps in surprise. "can you move it?" They ask with stars in their eyes. Pointing at his new tail. 
Joey's new ear flop back, he looks at his own tail and it starts moving like a fish on land, making a thud sound on the mattress. 

"Holy shit." (Y/n) in awe at what's happening. 
Suddenly Joey snatches their arms and looks at them. "Don't tell anyone about this (Y/n)!!! Only you know!! They would eat me alive (Y/n). Don't tell anyone!!!" The drummer begs and shakes (Y/n) to get his point across. 
They grab his shoulders to calm him down. "Okay okay, calm down Joey. I won't tell anyone." Trying to help him. They stroke his ear again like before. He let's out a shaky sigh, "That actually feels kinda good." He admits, actually relaxing. 
(Y/n) smirks at the drummer's reaction and continues to sort of pet him like they would with a real cat. 
Perhaps, besides Joey's new cat features also comes with cat behavior.


For the rest of the week, (Y/n) helps Joey around. They told the rest of Slipknot a white lie, that they discovered that Joey is in fact very sit and requested that only (Y/n) takes care of him while he 'recovers'.

Joey himself was stressed out and freaking out. what is the ears and tail never go away?! What if he's like this forever? He would never be able to leave his house again!
 His senses are stronger as well. He panicked when he discovered he can see better in the dark now. 
Most of the past two days you've been with him, he's under the table with the other cats most of the time. He says he likes it there now, somehow. (Y/n) theory is confirmed, his behavior is affected as well.  

However, pats seem to calm him down, stroking his ears and his hair helped the most. 
Joey seems completely unaware of how cute he's being these past few days. (Y/n) can't help but smile when they see his cat ears flick or turn when he hears something. Or when his tail swayed wildly when he was annoyed you forgot the eggs when doing groceries for him. 


(Y/n) wasn't playing to stay the night, but they got so caught up in the movie that they and Joey were watching together to realize how late it already is. 
Joey is laying across (Y/n) lap. 
(Y/n) is lazily stroking his head and his shoulders, getting him to relax after a whole week of stressing. 
They smile and he squirms to get a bit more comfortable. He let's out a big sigh and gets comfortable, pushing back into (Y/n)'s hand that's stroking his head. 
"I never thought you would like this so much." (Y/n) comments, not paying attention to the movie anymore. Looking down at the cat-boy on their lap. 
They can hear him purring just like a real cat does. 
"Neither did i." Joey mumbles a response, his right ear flicks, the tip of his tail lazily moving up and down rhythmically. 

The two enjoy a moment of silence, only Joey's purrs and occasional noises from the TV breaking said silence. 
Eventually Joey fell asleep on (Y/n)'s lap, the purring turning into little snores. 
(Y/n) can finally stop petting him, their arm was getting tired. 
Of course, They don't want to wake him up. So  they just stay in place where they are, falling asleep themselves. 

~~The next morning~~

(Y/n) wakes up first, a confused and in pain from their uncomfortable position. They groan quietly in pain, about to move before a weight on their lap stops them. 
Looking down, they find Joey still asleep. His cat ears and tail now gone, he's just Joey Jordison once again. 

(Y/n) smiles, They're gonna miss cute cat Joey though. 

I Have delivered you. Cat-boy Joey!!!!  enjoy. 

Thanks for reading.
- Missalot.  

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