Chapter Fifteen

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Loki's POV

I wake up to see Natalia next to me, fast asleep. I smile and study her. Her gold hair and peaceful face. She's so delicate but also so strong. I don't know how anyone could harm her the way they have. I kiss her forehead and her eyes soon flutter open. I smile.

"Morning love," I say and she stretches.

"Morning Loki," She says.

"Come on, lets get ready. Lots to do today!" I say and try to get out of bed but she grabs my wrist.

"Nooooo. Lets stay here!" She complains. I chuckle.

"No come on!" I say and free myself from her grasp.

I start to walk to the window when my mind turn to static and I stumble. I clutch to the windowsill. Natalia is at my side in an instant.

"Dear? Whats wrong?" She ask worriedly.

"Nothing, just a dizzy spell. Must have got up to quickly," I brush her off and try to stand, only to find myself dizzy again.

"You are not fine. Come to bed," She says and helps me to bed. I feel so cold, yet so hot.

"You're burning up! Something is very wrong!" She says feeling my forehead, I cough.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back," She says and walks out the door.

Natalia's POV

I use my magic to change into a white floor-length dress. Just good enough for the public. I walk to the end of the hall. I call over two guards, they bow.

"Thats very kind, but no time for formalities. Something is wrong with the king. Go to the infirmary and fetch Eir. Tell her to bring herself and her best healers to the king's quarters. Hurry! NOW!" I command and they run off.

I run back to Loki's room and sit on the side of his bed. I place my hands on his forehead, my hands glow gold as I use my magic to try and see whats wrong. I can't find anything that I've seen before. This is new. Someone knocks.

"Come in!" I yell. Eir and her healer soon came into the room.

"Thank the Gods you're here! Something is very wrong! He had dizzy spells when he woke, he's an extreme fever, and has other common symptoms like coughing," I say as they start to work.

"I'll go tell Thor and Jane. Please help him," I say and leave to fetch Thor and Jane.

I reach their door and knock. I hear Jane shout 'come in' and I burst through the doors. Jane sees my urgency.

"Natalia? Whats wrong?!" She asks.

"It's Loki. He's very ill and I don't know whats wrong! I know advanced healing magic and this is something I don't know of! Come! Hurry!" I explain and Thor stands.

"Take us to him," Thor says worriedly.

I lead them down the hall to Loki's and Eir is standing outside the door. I run ahead to her.

"What is wrong?" I ask her.

"I-I don't know! This is very strange, it appears to be a hybrid of different illnesses. Also with the King being of Frost Giant origin, we don't know a lot about their illnesses. I'm going to see what I can dig up in the archives. for now, keep him comfortable," She tells me and walks away. I feel Jane's hand on my shoulder.

"Lets go see him," She says softly. I nod and knock on the door. I walk in quietly. I see Loki propped against the head board of his bed.

"Hello dear, I brought Thor and Jane," I say and wave them in.

"Hello brother," Thor says.

"Thor, how are you?" Loki asks.

"Fine, but I think the better question is how are you?" He asks Loki.

"I'm not doing very well but I'm okay," I grab Loki's hand.

"Thor, there is something very important I need you to do. I was going to attend to this but I have fallen ill. Something is happening in Midgard. There atmosphere is fluctuating. You know that planet well," Loki say

"Brother I'm honored but I'm not much of one to fix these problems," Thor says.

"I'll do it!" I pipe up.

"No," Loki says.

"But why not? I'm a princess after all, maybe even a queen soon enough. I need to know how to take care of these problems. Thor can take me there and I'll deal with it. Please?" I explain.

"I think its an excellent idea brother!" Thor says, "I'll take her and go back for her when she calls; it'll be fine."

"I don't know. This planet is new to you," He explains. I sigh.

"So? I will not need to know of the entire realms to help them," I argue. He winces and I grimace.

Loki sighs, "Fine, but if anything strange or unnerving happens call us right away."

"I will, I promise," I say.

"Okay you leave in four hours. Good luck," He says and I squeeze his hand and smile before leaving to my room.

I'm going to Midgard.

I know this is an insanely short chapter and I'm sorry about that. I liked the way it ended and yeah.

IM THE WRITER!!!! I'll update early on Saturday. How's that?


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