Chapter Thirty-Five

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Natalia's POV

I make my way to the library and walk through the large doors. I stop to think, where would he hide it? In a book? But what book, there are thousands! What is his favorite book? I snap my fingers as I remember. His favorite magic book!

I look over shelve after shelve until I come across it. I open it up and another note falls out. I open it up, exited for the next challenge.

Hello love,

You are getting better. The next clue is,

Where can a thread sing?


I feel my face scrunch up in confusion. What? Thread isn't alive, how can it sing? Sing, sing. Where can a thread sing? I come up blank for ideas. Thread can make a sound, you just have to strum it. But sing? I don't underst-


I'm a fool sometimes. The music hall! Of course. You strum a thread and it will sing! I rush down the halls and push open the door and see another small note attached to my Sou-Lea. I take it off and rip it open.

My love,

You're good at this. So close, yet so far to the end. The next riddle is,

This changed everything.


I stop and think. What could it possibly mean? I run my fingers through my hair. Think, what were some life altering moments of my life? When he found me? No. When I found out I was princess. I freeze and smile.

I rush to the artifact room. I walk to the podium where my crown once sat. I see another note and I sigh as open it.


My clever girl. This is the final one.

Where is our haven?


Haven? Not just mine, but ours. I almost hit myself for being so foolish. The pond. 

I sprint down the halls and out into the gardens. I make my way through the vines and flowers, to our pond.

I see him standing at the center. Smiling at me. I run to him and he picks me up and spins me around. I laugh. Loki smiles at me.

"My smart Natalia. I knew you would get it!" He says and places me back in my feet.

"Why thank you," I say.

"Are you hungry?"

"I'm famished."

"Good," He snaps his fingers and and illusion disappears to reveal a basket with a blanket to sit out on.

For the rest of the afternoon we talk about nothing and everything. Forgetting any worried we might have. I was in bliss. No more Thanos, Zethera, or battles taking my love away from me.

"I'm so happy you found me," I say.

"Me too, love. I would never be this happy without you," Loki says.

"I could say the same thing," I confess.

We sit and enjoy the beauty around us. I summon a smaller version of the Sou-Lea. I pluck at the strings.

"Will you play something, love?" Loki asks.

"Of course."

I strum over the first note and it rings clear. I begin slowly, getting a rhythm. I bargain to pick up the tempo, letting my fingers move as they wish.

Loki lays back across the blanket and closes his eyes. I continue to play, enjoying myself.

I strum the last note softly and sigh contently. Loki applauds softly.

"You have a beautiful talent, my love." He says.

"Thank you," I say.

We sit silently for a while.

He looks at me, "Do you ever miss your home?"

This catches me off guard, "Well yes, what I can remember."

"What can you remember?" He asks.

"I remember the water. Talagard was known for its oceans. Crystal clear streams and rivers," I say and smile sadly at the memories.

"I don't mean to press," Loki says.

"I know. You didn't. It's just strange, I never remembered being a princess." I say.

He nods, "Maybe someone didn't want you to remember?"


"Let's not dwell on this. How about I read to you?" He asks. I nod and smile.

I rest my head on his lap and he pulls out a book. He begins to read to me. It's a story of knight and his son.

The father is called off to war. The village was attacked and the mother was killed leaving him alone.

He is taken in by a kind old woman, who trains him to defend herself against attackers.

The old woman's trains and shelters him till adulthood. The boy then leaves in search of his father.

He travels across the universe, trying to find his father. He tried everywhere, no one seems to know.

He is about to give up, will all hope seeming lost. But, in a miracle, a villager runs into town shouting for help.

The young boy goes to see. The villager is holding up a man, who appears to be hurt.

The hero goes to help and the man looks up at him. He gasps and studies him

The young boy recognizes the eyes of the older man. It's his father.

At last, his quest is complete.

Loki shuts the book and I smile up at him. He sets it aside.

"That was beautiful Loki," I say.

"It was a favorite of mine as a child. My mother used to read it to me," He says and smiles at the memories.

"I would of loved to meet your mother," I tell him.

"She would have loved you. She loved everyone, she was the kindest soul I ever knew." I see sadness in his eyes.

I cup his cheek with my hand.

"I love you," I say.

"I love you too, darling."


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