Chapter Thirty-Two

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Natalia's POV

I walk down the halls to my room and step inside. I go the the restroom and draw a bath. I wash my self and my hair, trying to remove the tangles from my blond mess. I get out and wrap myself in a robe, while drying my hair with a towel.

While my hair is drying I walk to my closet and retrieve my dress for the evening. I had it made to resemble Loki's outfit as much as possible. I has a material that looks like leather on the bodice that has very short sleeves. It has golden designs weaved into it and it paired with a gold collar. The skirt is deep green and flows to the ground softly. I paid it with a pair or black heels and a gold armband. I lay it out on my bed and go to finish my hair.

I pull my hair to my right side over my shoulder. I smooth the back and pin it, trying to make sure my hair stays in place. I step back, I stare at my hair a moment before deciding something. I need a change. I snap my fingers and my magic slowly turns my hair raven black. I smile and move onto my face.

I give myself a warm brown smokey eye and a thin line of gold eyeliner and wing it out. I put on a deep red lipstick and coat my eyelashes with mascara.

I walk back over to my bed and slip my dress on. I put on my shoes and slide my tiara into my hair. I look in my mirror to make any finishing touches and decide I look alright.

I look outside to see the suns setting and the stars trying to shine. I hear a knock on my door. Jane pokes her head in.

"It's time. Wow! You look fantastic!" Jane says and I stand.

"Thank you, I'll be out in a moment and I smile. Jane leaves and I take one last look in the mirror before leaving.

As I near the ballroom I hear the clatter of people inside. I take a deep breath and step into the crowed.

People congratulate me as I walk by and I smile and say my thanks. I peak over the crowd, trying to find Loki. I see him talking to some people near the front. The people see me and walk off. I put my hand on his shoulder and he turns. Surprise crosses his face when he sees me.

"Natalia?" He asks, unsure if it's really me.

"Yes? Is something wrong?" I ask and smile.

He regains his usual smirk and remarks, "No, it's just the whole new look is, amazing."

I blush, "Thank you."

"Always," He says and wraps his arm around my waist as we greet our next guests.

Loki steps up on the podium and the crowed falls to a hush.

"Welcome all to our celebration of victory over a plague that has sickened the realms for many years. We are now free to do as we wish. While this is a momentous occasion, Asgard is not entirely to thank. The warriors of Midgaurd had a tremendous role in taking down our greatest foe. I thank you all for coming, may it begin!" The crowd applauds as the music starts up again.

Loki retakes his place by my side and the Avengers approach us.

"Thank you for the kind words," Steve says.

"Not an issue. I was happy to tell," Loki responds.

"Now, go talk and have grand time!" I shoo them off and they laugh.

Loki turns me to look at him, "Natalia, may I have this dance?"

I put my hand in his as he leads me to the floor, "Of course."

We start to dance and I smile at Loki.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Nothing, just happy to be with someone so amazing." I say, he laughs softly.

"It's I who is lucky," He says and I blush.

"I have to say, you truly surprised me tonight," He comments.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You look beautiful as always, but tonight you are stunning. The dress fits you perfectly and your bright eyes," He says and I blush even deeper.

"Always the flatterer. What about my hair? I did it for you," I ask.

"I think it suits you perfectly, but to be perfectly honest, the golden hair is more you," He says and kisses me.

"Why thank you," I say and look around.

"See anything interesting?" He asks.

I spot Natasha, "Natasha and Sif are getting along it would seem."

"I would expect that in all honesty,"
He says.

We dance and laugh the whole night away, before I know it the last dance has played. Loki steps up to wish everyone goodbye.

"As sad as this makes me, this night must come to an end. I wish you all safe travels home. But, before you go I have one last thing to say. Could the Princess step up here with me please?"

Confusion sets on my face as I step up on the podium. I speak to the crowd," I have no idea as to what he has planned, brace yourselves."

Everyone including Loki laughs as he takes my hand. Loki takes off his helmet and drops to one knee. Placing his helmet on the ground and taking my hand in his as my other flys up to my mouth.

"My dearest Natalia, we have been through more in a few months then people go through in a life time. This experience has lead me to know that I love you, more than anyone else in the realm. I hope the future holds nothing but light and happiness. With that being said, will you make be my queen?" He stares into my eyes as the crowd holds it's breath.

I remove my hand from my mouth,
"Yes, of course yes!"

The crowd goes into an uproar as Loki picks me up and spins me around. He places me on the ground and kisses me. My world still stops when he does this, and I know I will love him forever.


Again, thank you for all the kind words, votes, and reads.

There is a fellow writer on Wattpad who has created an amazing story.

Her name is kcris1017 and her story is called Darkness Within. It's a great read and she updates quite frequently. I would love it if you went over and checked it out. Thank you! This chapter is for her!

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