Chapter Seven

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Natalia's POV

Loki gets down on one knee.

"Natalia may I have the honor of courting you?" He asks, eyes full of hope.

"Of course!" I say and he picks me up and spins me around. We walk back to the palace and we separate to our separate rooms.

I was smiling so big, nothing could bring me down. I fall into a sleep with nothing but love on my mind.

~The next morning~

I wake up and squeal into my pillow when I remember the night before. Loki loves me! He really loves me! Addla comes in with breakfast on a tray.

"Hello Natalia, I see you're in a good mood," She says.

"I had a wonderful evening last night," I say.

"Oh yes, the ball was quite a celebration wasn't it?"

"You could say that, yes." I giggle.

"Have a nice morning," She says and turns to leave.

"Oh no, you can stay. I can't eat all of this," I say.

"No, no I have duties to attend to, but thank you," She says and walks out of the room in a hurry.

I sigh and get ready. I choose a purple high-low dress and gold shoes. I twist my bangs and pull them back. I do all other morning things and decide I'm ready for the day. I grab a random book from the shelves and go to my porch. I summon a chair, sit, and read. I get to about the middle of my book when a knock sounds at my door. I get up and make the chair and book disappear. I walk over and open my door. Loki stands there.

"Loki!" I say and hug him.

"Hello darling, how are you?" He asks, kissing the top of my head.

"I'm amazing," I say and pull away.

"Good, do you want to take a tour around the castle?" He asks.

"Oh that would be lovely," I say.

I hold his arm as he leads me down the many corridors of the palace. We stop at a set of tall doors. Loki pushes open the doors and a grand library stands before me.

"This is the library. I spend a lot of my time here. So much to learn and read," He says.

"Its absolutely marvelous!" I say excitedly.

"I know, but we must move on if we are going to get to all the sights today," He says and pulls me along.

Down this way and that, twisting and turning. I will get lost, I'm sure of that. Next we come to an open yard with soldiers fighting. They bow when they see Loki but he dismisses them to carry on quickly. I have the sudden urge to show Loki my magic blade.

"You are about to burst, what is it that you wish to show me?" He asks.

"Hmm, maybe later," I say, wanting to keep it a surprise until later.

"Very well, lets move on." He says and leads me to a grand room with a throne at the top of a grand staircase.

"Ah look, your king chair," I say and smile sarcastically. He makes a 'I am thinking really hard face'.

"I prefer king throne," He says and I laugh.

I walk up the stairs with Loki right next to me. He sits in the throne and I stand next to him.

"Hmm, its missing something," I fake thoughtfulness.

"You are very right my dear. Ah-ha! I've got it!" He says and snaps his fingers his helmet appears on his head.

"Oh yes, yes. That was most certainly it," I say. We stare at each other for a moment and start laughing.

"Okay, enough of that. There is still one room that I want to show you,' He says and leads me down a flight of stairs into a large room fillies with many artifacts and weapons.

"This is what I used to call the Deadly Weapons and Other Items room." He says. I put a hand to my chin.

"Seems appropriate," I say and nod in approval.

I look around and something catches my eye. I pass other weapons and come to a golden tiara. It has light blue sapphires in in.

Loki comes up behind me.

"This one always baffled me. What is a crown doing in the weapons vault? My father told me it came from an ancient world that no longer existed. If a member of the royal family where to touch it it would glow. That was to insure no impostors took the throne," He says.

"C-could it be from my world?" I ask.

"Quite possibly yes," He says.

"Loki, this quite possibly could be the last thing that survived my planet's implosion besides me," I say.

"How can you tell if it is?" He asks.

"There would be a brand on it somewhere. Our insignia is a crystal star with a light behind it," I say.

He carefully takes the crown out of its case and checks the back. His eyes widen.

"By Gods, it is your insignia!" He turns the crown to me and sure enough there is the star.

"C-can I hold it?" I ask.

"Of course, I guess it is rightfully yours." He says and hands it to me.

But what I wasn't expecting was it to glow a dim gold. With shaky hands I place it on my head. It glows bright gold.

"Natalia do you know what this means?" Loki asks breathlessly.

"I'm a princess," I whisper.


Ploooooot twiiiiiissssst!!!

Plus cliffhanger. Good luck with that.

Pip pip. Cheerio. Other stereotyped British things.

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