Chapter Eighteen

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Loki's POV

"Brother!!!" Thor yells.

"Yes, hello. Where's Natalia?" I ask worriedly.

"Uh, come to think of it, I haven't seen your princess since she almost killed me, but didn't and stormed out of the room," One of them says, Tony I think.

"You left her Thor?!" I yell.

"Don't fret brother, she is with Director Fury," He says.

"Thats my exact reason to worry! That man hates me and will do anything to get vengeance!" I say.

"I'm sure Fury wouldn't risk losing the only thing that can save us," Thor's patriotic friend says.

"Lets find out, take me too her," I say.

"We can't just take you," The red head says.

"Fine. Is it still that cage that you had me in?" I ask.

"No but-"

"Good, Bye," I say and teleport away to the room with the cage.

I'm at that room with the glass cage from last time. I see a small figure lying on the floor, with gold hair. Natalia! I use my staff to blast the door. It flies off its hinges and Natalia starts to try and get up but falls back to the ground. I start to rush over to her.

"Oh love, what have they done?" I ask but before I can get to her a glass wall comes between us.

"L-Loki! No-" Is all she can get out before I feel a wave of electricity run through my body. I hear Natalia scream.

"So, my plan worked. Trap the girlfriend, get the boyfriend," Director Fury walks in with a controller in his hand.

"You're a fool! We where trying to help!" I yell. Natalia's breathing starts to shallow.

"Natalia! Stay with me!" I look to Fury, "If she dies so help me Gods I will RIP you APART!"

"Casualties happen, it's war." He says.

"L-Loki I love y-you," Natalia says and puts a hand to the glass. I press my hand against it as well.

"You'll be fine, just stay with me," I whisper.

"Loki-" He hand falls limp, her breathing weak.

"SHE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!! A PRINCESS!!! YOU'RE THE ONLY MONSTER HERE!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!!" I yell, rage filling every fiber of my being. I scream as another shock rips through me.

"Whats going on?" Someone asks and I whip my head around to see the Avenger filling in the room.

"Brother? Whats happening?" Thor asks.

"He's locked my Natalia in this cage and he's done something to her! She's going to die soon Thor! HELP ME!" I say and a tear falls down my face.

Thor marches up to Fury, and hits him so hard he hits a wall, and is knocked unconscious. He shocks the panel and the cage malfunctions and it opens up. Thor runs into the cage and helps me up. I pick up Natalia delicately in my arms.

"Stark can I take her to the tower?" I ask.

"Uhh," He says. The woman elbows him in the gut.

"Yeah, go," He says horsily.

I teleport to the tower and place her on the couch. My hands glow green as I use my magic and try and heal her. I focus on getting her heart going. I give a big pulse of energy and it beats more normally. I get rid of any other injuries. Now we wait. I change her into a soft dress and braid her hair with my magic. Now she's the most comfortable I can make her. I take her hand.

The other Avengers soon file into the living room.

"How is she?" The archer asks.

"I don't know. I fixed physical damage but I can't fix mental," I say and take her hand in mine.

"I'm sure she'll pull through," The scientist says, he and Stark leave.

"I hope she gets better," The Captain says and leaves.

The woman and archer leave, whispering to each other. Only Thor is left.

"Thor go to Asgard. Just make sure no one starts a war until I return," I say.

"Alright brother, but I will have Hiemdall watch you." He says and soon I'm all alone with Natalia.

"I'm so sorry love," I say and a tear slips down my cheek.


Yeah. I'm a bitch.

Sorry it's short but I have a thing in the morning with no access to wi-fi and it's one a.m where I am so yeah.



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