Chapter Five

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Loki's POV

The party was in full swing, and people where talking, laughing, and dancing. I was talking to Thor and Jane, keeping a look out for Natalia. I turn back to them. They suddenly smile and excuse themselves before walking away. I am confused as to why they left so suddenly before I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and am stunned to see Natalia looking even more beautiful than usual. She was wearing a gorgeous blue gown that matches her eyes and her hair is almost sparkling as it falls in subtle, perfect waves.     

"You look marvelous, Natalia," I say and kiss her hand. She blushes.

"You do look very dashing tonight, my king," She says with a small curtsy.

"Thank you, how have you found the ball?" I ask.

"Oh its lovely. If I may ask, what are we celebrating?" She looks to me.

"Some political holiday, I truthfully don't know exactly what," I say with a smile. She giggles.

"Would you care to dance?" I ask.

"Why, I be honored," she says dramatically putting a hand on her heart and sighing, I chuckle. A song begins and we start to dance

"Ever full of sarcasm, as usual." I say.

"Of course, where you expecting different?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I was hoping you would stay the same," I answer truthfully.

"Ah, still ever the flatterer," She says.

"Of course my dear, it's who I happen to be," I say.

"Even during a dance, the silver tongue never fails." She says and I let out a laugh.

The dance comes to a close and I introduce her to a few of the many party guests. We eat and enjoy the music. As the ball goes on it feels like it had just begun. I'e had an amazing time with Natalia. 

Zethera struts up to us. She is wearing a glitzy gold dress that is way too small and hurts my eyes. She curtsies and I give a slight bow.  

"Good evening King Loki. Would you like to dance?" She asks.

"No thank you Zethera," I say.

"Oh, maybe after you pull the peasant off your shoulder?" She asks giving a smug smirk.  Natalia's eyes go wide.

"E-excuse me?" Natalia asks.

"Oh, did I hit a nerve? I would apologize but I don't have too even talk to people as low as you. I'm above you. Now leave us and the King," Zethera commands.


"You are still here, why? Oh, and before it slips from my mind, what are you wearing? This is a ball and that dress looks like you stole it from some old witch and don't even get me started on   your hair! It looks like it went through a storm! Oh no. Wait, that's wrong, some rabid forest animal did it, didn't it?" She says with venom lacing her foul words.

"I mean- I just-"

"No. I must ask, why are you even here? Its all just pity because you where found beat up in the woods. I don't even know why anyone bothers to talk to you. Especially our honorable king," Zethera spits.

Natalia storms off with tears flowing down her face. I feel my heart constrict and I can't breath. I care about her. No one talks to Natalia like that. I turn furiously to Zethera.

"Who gave you the right to say such cruel words!?" I ask in rage.

"She is a lowly peasant. I can do what I want to her," She says.

"No you may not! I have had enough of your attitude to everyone classed lower than you! If I ever see you associate yourself with MY guest, I will not hesitate to take action!" I say and storm off in search of Natalia.

I go to her room and see it trashed. Things flung everywhere and the sheets ripped from the bed. An open window tells me where she went.

I go back to the party and ask Thor to close it down. He nods and I go to find Natalia.

I'm coming dear.

Zethera's a real b**** isn't she?

I like having her in here. Maybe I'll kill her off. I don't know. Maybe a fallen chandelier? Ah, I'm just joking. Maybe.

Anyway. Hope you like. If not, sorry. (P.S) Sorry not sorry.

See you next week!

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