Spirit Of My Heart (Part One)

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Hey everyone! To hold you over until I put finishing touches on the release of book two WHICH IS COMING, I'm publishing a three chapter short story. I hope you enjoy!

There's a legend about the ghost of Asgard tucked away in the folds of the past. She died tragically as a young girl and haunts the golden halls of the palace. He name is Cecelia. As she haunted the palace she soon took an interest in the two princes of Asgard, Thor and Loki. Thor, the loud, energetic, and big spirited one and his little brother Loki the quiet, bookish, and mischievous one.

Ghost can't age, time for them seems to pause. Cecelia watched the boys as they grew. She took a special liking to young prince Loki. She would always help him with his tricks, but he didn't even know it. She held things that where teetering on the edge for a prank or led Thor into another trap. Loki didn't think much about how lucky it was Thor walked into the room at that moment. He just brushed it off as luck.

As they got older Cecilia saw the changes that happened in Loki. He started to get depressed, angry, even. Whenever he got to angry or sad she brushed her ghost of a hand across his cheek. He couldn't see her of course but he always felt the cold wisp of a touch on his cheek. That cool touch somehow comforted him.

Cecilia also started to get angry with Thor. Always prancing around like he was the only one who mattered. She saw how kind the boys were to each other when they where young and
she missed it. They played and colored and their mother read them stories. She missed those days.

Then the frost giants came. She knew Loki had something to do with this. But she's invisible, what can she do? Then came the whole "taking over Midgard" thing. That did not end well for Loki. He came back and was thrown into prison. That's where our story leads us today. The first day Cecelia visits Loki in his cell. She walks down to the dungeon, her small feet gliding over the floor with no sound.

She makes it to the dungeon and looks around for the troubled prince. She walks past the many cells and comes to one secluded from the rest. She walks through the glowing barrier and it ripples slightly. Loki's head whips to it and he frowns and closes the book he is reading.

"Hello?" He calls out quietly.

She can't answer, he won't hear. But one rule of some ghosts is that a powerful user of magic can summon them. So maybe she could become visible to him. She looks around to find anything to signal her existence. She sees paper and a pen on the side of a desk. She quickly picks up the paper and quill and begins to write.

Loki, now very startled, looks to the moving quill and starts to debate if he's hallucinating. The feather drops back to the desk and a piece of paper glides over to him. He is hesitant about touching it but carefully takes it. On the front it just says "Loki" in beautiful writing. He opens the strange letter and begins to read.

Dear Loki,

You do not know me, but I know you quite well. I doubt you ever heard the tale of the ghost that hunt the halls of Asgard. If so, that's me. I am here, I've always been here. We were children and you would set up your little ticks for Thor and I would always find a way to lead him to you. It was never luck, it was me. When we where in our teen years Thor's horrid attitude started. I saw how much it hurt you, it hurt me too. I've been with you boys since the beginning. I'm tired of being a shadow. Just say my name, Cecelia, and try to summon me. Maybe, I will appear to you. 


Loki couldn't believe what he just read. A ghost? In the palace?  She's been there since they where children? He decides to try it.

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