Chapter Thirty-One

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Natalia's POV

~Two weeks later~

Today was the day of the gala. The ballroom had been decorated with grand drapes of gold. The floor was clean and a table with refreshments for guests. I look over the list again, checking every detail. I jump when I feel a hand on my back.

"Sorry to startle you, love. Just came to see how you where doing," Loki's voice calms me and I sigh.

"It's all going to plan. I just hope everything stays perfect. I've put a lot of time into this," I say and brush a stray piece of hair from my face.

Loki kisses me, "This will be grand, darling."

"Thank you. Now why are you really here? I know that look," I say and he smiles.

"You caught me. I was going to tell you I could take over for a few hours so you could get ready," He says.

"I don't need hours to get ready, Loki. besides its only morning," I look over to see the servants opening the curtains and notice the suns high in the sky.

"Oh, I missed lunch. I'm sorry," I say.

Loki takes the list, "Everything's fine. I'll look over the final details, you go get ready. The Avengers still need to come and prepare,"

"Thank you," I kiss him and walk out.

I find Jane out in the gardens and tell her it's time to go. We walk outside and I use my magic to teleport us there.

We make our way into the Bifrost and Hiemdall welcomes us.

"Greeting Lady Jane and Princess Natalia," He says.

"Hello Hiemdall. Also, there is no need for such formalities," He smiles slightly.

"How may I be of service?" He asks.

"Can you send Jane down to Midgard?" I ask.

"I must warn you it is not suited for humans alone," He says.

"That's why I've put a enchantment on her," I say as Jane gives me a look.

"As you wish," Hiemdall says and drives his sword into the podium and the Bifrost opens.

"Wish me luck," Jane says.

Jane's POV (Whoa!)

I step into the Bifrost and I look as the colors surround me. I soon land with a thud on top of Stark towers. I walk inside to see everyone ready to leave.

"Hello!" I say and smile.

"Hi Jane. Is it time to go?" Natasha asks.

"Yes, is everyone ready?" I ask.

Tony smirks and walks outside, "Let's just go."

"Alright," I say and bring the rest outside.

"Okay, everyone. This is going to be rough. Just hold on. We all join hands and I pray Natalia's spell will work.

I call out to Hiemdall and the bright colors reappear and we soon land in the BiFrost. Natalia is there waiting for us. Everyone looks around with wide eyes.

Natalia smiles, "Welcome to Asgard."

Natalia's POV

They all look around in awe. I smirk, knowing they would be impressed.

"Come," I lead them outside the BiFrost after I say thank you to Hiemdall.

"Ready?" I ask and everyone nods. I snap my fingers and we are in the courtyard of the palace.

"This is incredible!" Bruce says.

"Thank you," I say and smile. The door opens and Thor steps out to welcome his friends.

"It's so nice to see you all again!" He says and claps Tony on the back. Tony stumbles slightly, I laugh.

"Nice to see you too, Thor." Steve says.

I clear my throat and everyone looks to me, "Excuse me, but we are on a deadline. Now, Natasha will be coming with Jane and I while the rest will go with Thor."

We split up, Natasha follows Jane and I while the boys go with Thor. We need to get them ready for the gala. We lead Natasha to Jane's room.

"Okay Natasha, we need to get you a dress," I say.

"Do I get to pick? Not a fan of ball gowns," She asks.

Jane smiles, "Of course."

I open Janes closet, "Find one you like."

Natasha walks in a looks over the many dresses and after many failed attempts she throws her hands up.

"I don't know! This Asgard dance thing really isn't my style," She says and crosses her arms.

I walk in and look over the many choices. I stop and grab a form-fitted crimson red gown that gracefully drapes out at the very end.

I pull it out and hold it up to Natasha. She nods, "I'll try it on."

She goes into the closet and shuts the door. She comes out a minute later with it on.

"So?" She asks.

"You look great!" Jane say. Natasha smiles softly.

"Alright. Go change back and we'll do your hair," I instruct. She rolls her eyes playfully before changing back.

We spend the next hour or so doing Natasha's hair and make-up. When we are finished we had straitened her hair, given her a grey smokey eye and a nude lipstick. We step back to admire our work.

"You look stunning!" I say and Jane claps her hands.

"So. Are you trying to impress one of the guys?" Jane asks. I'm not sure, but I think I saw Natasha blush.

"No, not really." She lies smoothly. If I wasn't courting the God of lies, I wouldn't have noticed. I look outside to see the suns starting to set.

"We need to find the boys. There is one thing left to do," I say and we leave.

We find the boys with Thor near the ballroom. They are all wearing Asgardian formal wear. I tell Natasha to stand by them.

"You've done well, Thor." I say and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you Natalia," He says and I smile.

"Do we have to wear this? It's to big and uncomfortable?" Tony pipes up.

I snap my finger and the outfits fit them perfectly, "There, all fixed."

"Thank you," Steve says.

"Okay. One last thing. This may be uncomfortable, but I have to do it. I'm going to give you all basic knowledge on how to act tonight." I feel my eyes glow gold as my magic surrounds and dissolves over them.

"That felt weird," Clint speaks up.

"I'm sorry. Just trying to make it easier for you all," I say.

"Natalia, you still have to get ready. It's going to start soon," Jane says.

I smile at the group, "You're correct. If you'll excuse me, I must be off."

OOH! The ball!


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