Chapter Thirteen

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Natalia's POV

I wake up the next morning in Loki's room. I roll over and see him sleeping peacefully beside me. I get up, write a note saying I left to get breakfast just incase he wakes up and wonders where I am. I teleport to my room and put on my clothes for today. I decide on a sky blue and sliver, floor length dress. I put my blond hair in a high ponytail, dawn my crown and put on the best smile I can. I leave for the dining hall.

I open the doors to the vast room to see Thor and Jane seated. A servant approaches.

"Hello Princess, what can I get you?" She asks softly.

"Oh, surprise me. Thank you," I say with a smile. She goes off to the kitchen. I take a seat across from Jane.

"Hello you two, how are you this morning?" I ask.

"Quite alright, thanks," Jane says.

"I'm glad. So what have you been up to? Haven't seen you in some time,"

"We came home late last evening, we where at Janes house on Midgard," Thor says.

"Oh! I have always wanted to go there. Seems like such a lovely place," I respond.

"Oh it is. Next time we go, you should come," Jane says excitedly.

"I would love that," I say with a growing smile. The young servant from earlier comes and places waffles in front of me.

"Thank you," I say and she curtsies.

"So what are you going to do today Natalia?" Jane asks.

"I'm not sure, probably wonder the halls of the castle," I say.

"Oh. Well don't get too lost," Jane says and I laugh.

"I'll try, but you may not see me for a few days," I say with mock seriousness. Jane chuckles.

I finish up my meal and say goodbye to Thor and Jane. I head out into the halls and starting to wonder aimlessly. I come across a room with many strange things. I look closer and see them to be instruments. One catches my eye. It is called a Sou-lea. (A/N: Soo-lay) It is shaped like a crescent moon and is almost as tall as me. It has strings going from bottom to top and it's gold. (A/N: Its pretty much a harp.)

I pull up a chair and pluck one of the strings. I learned how to play when I was very young from my mother. I play some simple little things and soon I start to make a song. The beautiful ringing sounds out as my fingers glide over the strings. My people back home have photographic memories. We don't forget much. How I didn't know I was a princess I'll never know, but somethings are better left unknown.

I continue to play until my fingers hurt. I pluck the last note and all falls silent I sigh. Tears fall as I remember my home and I wipe this away.

"That was quite beautiful love," I hear behind me. I know right away it's Loki.

"Thank you, but I've got to stop letting you sneak up on me," I say and he laughs softly.

"It is quite amusing to see you jump," He says. I look outside to see its dark.

"What time is it? Have I been here all day?" I ask.

"Yes, you missed dinner and I came looking. Are you hungry?" He asks putting his hands on my shoulders. I wince but relax quickly.

"Not really, but thank you." I say and stand.

"Alright, well I'm exhausted. Come to bed," He says and we leave the music room.

"Where did you learn to play?" Loki asks taking my hand.

"I learned from my mother when I was very young. My kind has photographic memories. Anything we want to remember we save it in our mind, anything we want to forget we delete it from memory," I explain.

"Fascinating," Loki says, looking at me.

"Why thank you," I say and curtsy mockingly.

We go back to Loki's room and get ready for bed. I use my magic to transform my dress to a nightgown. I slip into bed and soon feel Loki's cool body next to me. He pulls me to him and I curl up against him.

"I love you Loki," I whisper

"I love you too dear," He says and the lights go out.

My eyes flutter close and sleep consumes me.

I wake up and I am suddenly standing in a strange place. Everything is blurry, hazed, almost. I hear a yell and I whip around to see Loki on the ground... bleeding. I run to him and drop next to him. I check the wound to see what happened. He was stabbed. I start to cry.

"H-hey it's going to be okay. Im here now. You'll be fine," I ramble stroking his hair softly.

"N-no love, its m-my t-time," He chokes out.

"You can't! I need you!" I yell out.

"I will always be with you. I love you," He says and goes limp in my arms. I scream out.

"Aw, is the king dead?" I hear a voice that makes my insides churn. Thanos.

"You did this! YOU DID THIS!!!" I roar.

"Calm down princess. He's only gone forever," He says with mock sadness.

"YOU MONSTER!!!" I yell and a bright white light consumes everything.

I shoot up in my bed and look around. My bed is in a dungeon. Wait, where is Loki? How did I get here? Thanos comes in and I pounce. I try to claw at him but he grabs my wrist. I use my fury to channel my magic and he goes flying into the wall. I use my magic to pin him to the wall like a starfish. I summon a knife to my hand and press it against his throat. I am about to spill his blood when I look him in the eyes. They aren't harsh and cruel, their soft, afraid, and green. Loki....

Everything suddenly falters like an illusion and it disappears. I see Loki against the wall and a knife against his throat, my knife.  I drop the dagger and step back in horror. I almost killed the only man I've ever loved. I stumble back and before Loki can say anything I run out. What have I done?



Just kidding. No I'm not.

Comment please.


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