Chapter Twenty-one

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Natalia's POV

The elevator stops and the door opens. We walk out onto the party, some people turn and stare. I duck my head a bit and Loki looks down at me.

"Its alright darling. Just hold your head up," Loki says.

I look up a little to see Natasha and Clint standing at a table talking. We walk over and Natasha looks up and smiles. Clint leaves.

"Oh, you look great!" She says.

"Really? Thank you. You look amazing too," I say. Natasha was wearing a blood red and black dress that fit her perfectly.

"I'm going to find Thor," Loki says. I nod and he walks off.

"So... Are you and Clint courting?" I ask. She looks confused for a second but a blush soon creeps onto her face.

"Oh no! He's just accompanying me tonight," She says.

"Would you like to be courting?" I press on. Her blush deepens.

"Uh. No. We're just friends," She says.

I give her a look, "I live with the God of Lies. Try again."

She smiles slightly, "Yeah. Okay. Maybe."

I squeal, "I knew it!"

She deadpans, "Is it obvious?!"

"No. No! I'm just rather good a reading people. Although trying to figure out Loki is trying to read in another language," I explain, she laughs slightly.

"How are you and Loki?" She asks.

"We are happy to be alive and together." I say.

"That's good. Has Loki really changed?" She seems skeptical.

"I believe so. I don't think he was ever truly evil in the first place. Only a puppet played and pulled by strings," I say and Natasha nods.

"If anyone can understand that, it's me. I made some choices I'm not particularly proud of," She says.

"We all have. I just hope the outcome is worth the pain," I say.

"As do I," Natasha sighs. 

Tony walks over to our table and does a double take on me.

"Weren't you like in a coma or something?" He asks.

"I'm alright now," I say.

"Hmm. Anyway, can I just say you look gorgeous." Tony comments and I can feel Natasha roll her eyes.

"Stark you're wasted. Leave the poor girl alone," Natasha says.

"Doesn't mean I can complement a hot chick," He fires back, sloshing his drink over the rim of his red cup.

"Thank you," I say hesitantly.

"So what-do-ya say? You want to get out of here? I can show you the rest of the bedrooms," He says and puts a hand on my lower back.

"No," I say and move his hand.

"Ah come on sweetheart! Leave ice king for a minute!" He says and replaces his hand, only this time on my butt. Too far...

I whip around and slap him. He stumbles back a step.

"Yeah, I guess I deserve that. But come on-" I don't listen to anything else he has to say. I realize Loki is gone and I storm off to find him.

I find him talking to Thor near the windows. I take my place next to him and he smiles down at me.

"Hello love, how are you enjoying the evening?" He asks sweetly. I look up at him.

"Not much," I say.

"Why not Princess Natalia?" Thor asks as loud as ever.

"Please stop with the formalities. You don't call Loki king. Also, your friend Tony does not know how to keep his hands where they should be." I huff. Loki frowns.

"Do I need to do something about him, darling?" Loki asks. I can feel him cooling down, due to his magic. Jealousy and protectiveness are all I feel radiating off him.

"No, no. I took care of it, I promise." I say and he smiles.

"Thats my princess," He says and puts an arm around my waist.

"So Thor, how is Jane and Asgard?" I ask.

"Asgard is well as is Jane" He says.

"I'm glad. I know you would like her to be with us," I say.

"Yes, but she is safer in Asgard. Now, I am famished, where is the food?" He asks.

I laugh, "Over by the couches."

Thor heads off and Loki takes my hands in his.

"Come. There is something I want to show you," He says and leads me to the outside of the building. We take a moving platform to the top and come out on the roof.

The roof has a beautiful garden planted along the top. With so many flowers and plants.

"I know its nothing like Asgard, but-" Loki starts but I cut him off my kissing him suddenly.

I pull away, "Its amazing," He smiles and picks me up and spins me around. I laugh like a child.

"Why are you so happy?!" I say between laughs.

"I have the most amazing girl in the nine realms," He says and puts me on the ground.

"Really? Where!?" I ask and look around. Loki smirks and rolls his eyes.

"Right here," He says and pull me against him and leans close to me. I lean in as well before he disappears.

"Loki! Don't be such a tease!" I yell.

"But love, thats just the way I am." He says before wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and placing feathery kisses along my neck to my shoulder.

He hits a soft spot on my neck and I gasp. He laughs at my reaction. He moves his head to my ear. I feel his cool breath.

"You are quite fun to tease," He says.

Two can play at game. I turn around and kiss him tenderly, slowly become more rough. I pull away and place a kiss on his jawline. I work my way down his neck and get to his collar. I untie his bow tie and kiss him again. He tries to pull away put I grab his bow tie and pull him to me.

"I win Loki," I whisper before using my magic to teleport away.

I quite love our games.

Yay! Longish chapter.

Those two need to keep it PG. I'm trying to run a classy establishment.

Like sheesh.

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