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Authors POV(A.N: there is a little violence scene, TRIGGER WARNING)

Stella were running away from Void, she was afraid but still trying to believe the real Stiles.

"Stella please stop, it's me, Stiles!" said Stiles, sounding in pain. Stella stopped and turned to Stiles. Stiles came and grab her cheek. She came closer to kiss him but suddenly his hold got violent.

"You really need to learn Stella! You really need to learn not to trust a fox!" he shouted. Stella started to tremble with fear. She looked into his eyes with fear.

"Stiles please.... Please don't... I-I can do everything you want please!" she begged with tears in her eyes. He laughed histerically then all of a sudden he made his poker face. He tighten his hands on her chin. Stella started to crying while begging him. He threw Stella to the woods. Stella turned to him with her glowing golden eyes.

"Ooh now we're talking the same language. Yeah little wolfie, come and bite me." he laughed histerically then added "But don't forget, every damage you left on his body makes him feel pain. You wouldn't want to hurt your little Stiles, would you?"

"Why are you doing this? WHY ME?!"

"Because he loves you so much, Stella. And you know what, thats why i'm going to kill you and make you BEG to not." Stella stood up and looked at Stiles with her wolf face.

"Maybe you are an evil soul, that i still can't say his name, but I am an Argent who got trained by Kate Argent, who is the purest evil person you could ever imagine. So okay, come and kill me if you can." said Stella and started to run Stiles. She tried to punch him but he hold her fist and started to wrap it.

"You don't know how much power i got from Stiles's sadness... And thanks to him for that pain..." said Stiles. After that, he throw Stella to the woods again and she hit her head. Stiles leaned beside Stella and started carving her hair. She tried to move her head away but he hold it unkindly.

"Ah Stella. Now it's time for your end... Just like your mother, Kate. Ah, she was killed by your big uncle, right?" he laughed histerically and continued "Now you're going to get killed by your first love, how ironic..." he grabbed her neck and started choking it. Stella struggled for a while but eventually gave up. After a little while, he took his hands from her neck and then turned back and starting walking away.

"CUT!" Jef shouted. Selena stood up from the ground she was laying. Dylan turned back and look at her. They looked each other a while but then Selena turned her eyes away. Dylan went closer to Selena and looked at her in sadness.

"Selena, I don't feel very well about that. I don't want you to go."

"Why Dylan? Why do you care?"

"Because I- Selena I don't think it's a good place to say it." said Dylan. Selena looked at him and shook her head.

"Dylan really, just... ignore it."

"No I can't, Sel."


"CAUSE I L- YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU'RE RIGHT. Ignore EVERYTHING! FUCK EVERYTHING!" said Dylan and immediately got out of the set and got into his blue jeep. He drove away from the set quickly. Selena just looked after him, then she got into her car too and drove away too.

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