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3 or 4 months after

Authors POV


"Come on Selena! You have no choice!"


"Do you remember the contract you signed with Hollywood Records?" Selena nodded in a little horror. "Hollywood Records says that if she doesn't act how we want, then the contract will be scrapped and you'll have to pay compensation."

"What? It is my career, my life! Why are they making the choices and waiting for me to obey? IT IS MY LIFE I AM DATING WITH SOMEONE!"

"You guys aren't official so I guess it isn't that bad. Plus it i a good pr."

"But how would Dylan react? We have to kiss, cuddle, stay at each other and everything and I'm seeing with Dylan!"

"Oh please Gomez, don't make this THAT big deal. Plus you guys were couple before, it is not that hard to fake it now."

"No it is hard, he cheated on me! Also, doesn't Justin have a girlfriend?"

"Oh no they broke up. Besides this was whole Justin's idea."

"Oh I'm not surprised. I need to talk this with Dylan and my mom."

"Mandy is not your manager anymore, Selena."

"Yeah, wish she was!" said Selena while leaving her managers office. She got into her car and immediately called Dylan.

"Hey Lena, whats up?"

"Not good, can we meet at my place?"

"What happened, I'm on my way."

"We'll talk it face to face, goodbye."


Selena hung up the phone. She started driving to her house. The road wasn't so long, thanks to God. She parked her car at the same time as Dylan's car appeared at the beginning of the street. She got out of the car and walked to her house.

Dylan parked his car too and moved fastly to the door. They entered the house and Selena closed the door.

"I'm listening, what happened?"

"My management wants me to date with Justin."

"What? You said no, didn't you?"

"I couldn't."


"If I said no then my contract with Hollywood Records will be scrapped and I will be forced to pay compensation!"

"If it was happened to me I would say no, Selena. There's like a millions of recording companies which are waiting for you to sign!"

"Dylan I have no choice!"

"Let me guess, that was Justin's idea, isn't it?"

"Yeah, that was. Dylan you are making this such a big deal!"

"Oh totally awesome! My girlfriend is going to date with her ex boyfriend who cheated on her twice and then came to her house and kissed her while they weren't dating and I AM the one who makes this SUCH A BIG DEAL! YEAH YOU ARE RIGHT!"

"We are not girlfriend-boyfriends Dylan, we are just dating!"

"Yeah, you are right. We were gonna be girlfriend-boyfriend's if you said no to your management but I guess yeah we aren't gonna be."

Dylan took a small red jewelry box from his pocket and put it in Selena's hands. "I was going to say I love you, but I guess it isn't necessary. You already made your choice."

Selena looked at Dylan in such a sadness. She was surprised by the 3 words she heard but it wasn't a right time to say it. "I love you too, Dylan."

"Then don't." said Dylan while turning his back and walking to the door. He got out of the house and slammed the door. Selena shaked a little bit because of the noise. She looked at the small red jewelry box and opened it slowly.

There was a necklace with the letter D in the middle and there was a small note. She opened the paper and read the note. I want you to wear my initial on a chain round your neck. Not because I own you, because i really know you.

One tear slowly dropped from her eyes. She wore the necklace and stared at the ceiling for a while. While she was daydreaming her phone started ringing.

She took the phone wishing it was Dylan but she saw her mothers name. What a coincidence, she really feels when I feel sad she thought. She opened the call and put the phone to her ear.

"Hi mom!"

"Selena, your manager just called me. She said something about reuniting with that Bieber kid, what is that?"

"Hollywood Records says that if I don't date with Justin then they are going to scrap my contract and force me to pay compensation."

"What? They don't have any right to do that! Your manager didn't mention that Hollywood Records are forcing you? Thats it you are not listening to them and making them scrap it by themselves. If they scrap it by themselves then it means that we can charge them."

"Momma you're the best! But we have a problem."

"What is it?"

"We fought with Dylan and he pissed off to me because I didn't say no to my manager. He said that he loves me but he left."

"Oh my poor girl, do you want me to come?"

"Oh no no, stay with Gracie. I will call Taylor."

"Okay then I gotta go now. Love you."

"Love you too."

After Mandy hung up the phone, Selena dialed Taylor's number. After a few ring she picked up.

"Hey beauty! Whats up?"

"Hey lovely, good. How you doing?"

"Ohh don't do thatt you know I fall for Joey Tribbiani." Taylor said while laughing.

"Tay, can you come over? I need a company."

"Oh sweetheart I'm coming!" said Taylor and immediately hung up the phone. Selena thought that she hasn't seen Demi for ages so she dialed her number too.

"Hey D! How you doing?"

"Oooh little Tribbiani? I'm doing good babe how you doing?"

"I'm fine I guess, can you stop by to my house?"

"Oh babe I'm coming right now! Did you call Tay?"

"Yeah I called her she is coming too!"

"Okay then, see you in ten minutes!"

A.N: Omg this episode was so long... This was part 1, vote and slide for part 2!!!

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