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Dylan's POV

We were at the Jimmy Fallon with Britt, just for promoting our movie. She seemed so excited so I looked at her.

"Look, probably he is going to ask if we are dating-"

"And I am going to say yes!"

"No! Noh! We are not dating! I have a girlfriend!"

"No you don't. You guys are on a break, which means 'Hey I found someone but I am not pretty sure if he is better than you or not, so we must be on a break while I try this new guy, if I like him then we broke up if I dont like him then we can continue.' so get over it, she hasn't called you since that day so this basically means you guys broke up officially."

"What? Really? No Selena would never do that."

"Every girl does that."

"I love her Britt, our dates were just for a promo, just like this interview."

"Dylan if we want to promote our movie, we need to act like a couple."

"Geez, no we don't!"

"Dylan that's what my agent said! And I care about my career more than my love life."

"Well, I don't. I don't need to be very famous to get calls from directors. They love me because I am unproblematic, hardworking, talented and everything."

"No. They love you because you are boyfriend of a 'popstar' Selena Gomez. Were you having THAT much offers before you guys started dating?"

"Um, yeah? I am Dylan O'Brien, Stiles Stilinski, Thomas from the Maze Runner? Remember?"

"God, Dylan you are so stupid! Whatever you say I am going to say that we are dating!"

"Oh keep going and I am going to roast you!"

When our names announced, we got to the stage and sat.

"Dylan O'Brien! Last time you came you were with your beautiful girlfriend Selena Gomez!" said Jimmy and I smiled when I hear Selena's name. "Ooh our little boy is in love! How is it going, is everything okay?" asked Jimmy but before I could talk, Britt jumped into. the conversation.

"No they are not dating anymore, Dylan is with me now." said Britt while trying to hold my hand. I frowned at her. "What, no! She is joking, I LOVE Selena more than everything."

"Oh so you are saying that you guys didn't broke up?"


"Then you have to see this, Dylan. Selena posted this video on snapchat just before you guys came into the stage.

I just looked at the screen. I was trying to understand, why would she do this? Why would she post a video of herself saying 'I'm single' like proud of it. I gulped and tried to smile.

"I guess we broke up." the whole audience said "awwww" to me and believe me, that was the most embarrassing moment I've ever had.

"So is there anything between you two?"

"No. We were just promoting our movie just like our agents said and now I am probably gonna be fired from my agent because of saying these, and doing these." I said and I left the studio. This was fucking LIVE. I took my stuff from the backstage and went straight to my jeep. While I was trying to calm myself by driving, my phone rang and I saw Tyler's funny photo on the screen. I answered it.

"Bro what was that? Did you guys officially broke up?"

"I guess so. Don't you see her snap?"

"I did... Bro I am so sorry, where are you?"

"I am driving to nowhere. Just trying to calm myself."

"Why don't you stop by? We can watch old mets matches?"

"Do you have beer?"

"Hell yeah!"

"I am coming."


We were drinking beer while watching old mets matches with Tyler when my phone rang. I was drunk, like really drunk. I saw Selena's photo on the phone and answered quickly.

"Heyyyy single girl"

"Dylan are you drunk?"

"No, you wanna hear in Spanish, Noh!"

"You are definitely drunk. Where are you?"

"Why do you care? Go live your single life, pickle."

"Dylan I am so sorry for that snap"


"Dylan please calm down."

"NO. As you wish Selena, we are done. Officially. Completely. Finished." I saw Selena's crying but I wasn't thinking anything at that moment. The only feeling I've got was the anger.

"Dylan-" I didn't give her a chance to speak because I hung up the phone.

"Bro I think it was a little bit harsh."

"She humiliated me in front of everyone, bro. Everyone. I guarded her to Britt and she did THIS.

"Bro you're drunk as hell, you are going to regret what you did tomorrow."

"She wanted it to be that way."

"But you don't want it to be that way."

"I just want to drink until I don't feel sad anymore."

"I am sure she feels the same now. But at least you can get drunk and pressure your feelings. She can't do that."

"What do you mean she can't?"

"She has a lupus, dork. She needs to take care of herself so good. Also remember, she cancelled the tour because of her health."

"God what if this triggers her lupus?"

"I will make sure she is not alone bro, you calm down."

Tyler took his phone and dialed someone.

"Hey Hol, can you watch Selena for tonight? They officially broke up after what happened at Jimmy Fallon. I would've go but I am with Dylan, he is drunk as hell."

"Yeah, thank you so much. Tell her that we love her. Bye." he hung up the phone and came to me.

"So let's get more drunk, bro!" said Tyler while drinking his beer.

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