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Now they are at the August 6, 2016. Selena is having her Revival tour. They haven't seen each other from May. She was available for July 11 to 23 but for some reason Dylan was too busy to see her. She hasn't told anyone yet but she was struggling with her lupus complications and it was making hard for singing and dancing. She was in a huge stress and she was feeling bad. She was always taking serums before and after concerts because of her tiredness. Dylan is having another movie and he is tired as well.

Selena's POV

"Oh god I hate this!" I said while laying in my bed, taking serum. Suddenly my phone rang and I saw Dylan's face on the phone. I answered it quickly.

"Hey honeyy, how are you?"

"Ughh why are you so energetic?"

"Because I just finished the concert and I am taking some vitamins to be energetic?"

"Oh, I see. It is morning here. I just woke up and wanted to hear your voice."

"That is soo sweet honey I love you so much..."

"Yeah, I love you too. Now I got to go. See you." and he hung up the phone. I decided to look up on Instagram or something while taking my 'vitamins'. While I was surfing the web I saw Dylan's name on an article and I of course jumped at in any seconds.

Is Dylan O'Brien dating with his new co-star, Britt Robertson? Thdt were first united at their first movie together, The First Time and now they are shooting new movie together, Illicit Affairs. The movie is basically about a couple, they have another relationship with other people but they love each other.

Is a fiction coming as a reality? We all know Dylan O'Brien has a beautiful girlfriend at a world tour. They have been together since almost 2 years as a public, 3 years if we count from their very first date. They are everybody's dream couple but they haven't seen together for a long time. Maybe it is because Dylan O'Brien is reuniting with Britt Robertson for now, who knows?

When I read the article I couldn't help holding my tears because THEY WERE FUCKING HOLDING HANDS LIKE WHAT? I didn't care if he was busy or something, I dialed his number in anger. He answered after third ring.

"Pickle, is something wrong?"

"Yeah, holding hands with Britt?"

"Oh Sel I need to tell you something."

"Tell me that you're dating with Britt and dumped me? I learnt it from the media thanks!"

"What, no I didn't dump you!"


"Yes, no! We are making it seem like it just for promo! Promo for the movie!"

"Oh and you were made my life hell when you just heard that my manager wants me to reunited with Justin for promo!"

"It's not the same Britt is not a maniac who tries everything to get back to me! We both know it is just a promo!"


"You're right pickle but let me explain."

"No Dylan. I don't want to hear your excuses right now. I need to think. We need to take a break."

"What no pickle you can't do this, please let me explain."

"NO Dylan. NO. Do you wanna hear in Spanish? NAH!"

I hung up the phone to his face. I was so angry with him. I texted Taylor the article called her immediately, I needed to talk with her. She answered the call at the second ring.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what did you sent me?"

"Read it." She stayed quiet a little while reading the article, I guess.

"How could he do it oh my god! He fooled us so good! Did you speak with him?"

"Yeah, he said it was a promo for their new movie, Illicit Affairs. He said not worry about it, he is the one who made my life hell when I told him that my manager wanted me to date with Justin!"

"Oh yeah thanks for reminding me! I hope you didn't forgive!"

"I told him that we need to take a break. I said I want to take break."

"It is good, you guys need a time. If you guys reunitd together then it means Dylena is endgame! But for now it is best to not talk."

"Thanks bestie, I love you."

"Love you too, now I need to get into my luggage, I need to go to the gym."


"What? After this Kanye" we both made a puking sound. "Situation you know I hid myself. I need to use luggage just to leave my fucking house!"

"Oh I see, I hope my tour ends soon so I can see you!"

"Love you bestie, bye!" we hung up the phone. I texted Demi about this situation because if she was sleeping, I didn't want to be the one who woke her up. Her team treats her like she is a child so when I get home I better make her fire them.

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