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Selena's POV

After talking with my doctor I wasn't feeling very well. I came to my house and found that Francia was still there. She looked at me.

"Are you okay? You seem a little bit off. Do you want me to call Dylan?"

"No, no. I'm fine, really. It's just... It makes me tired sometimes. That's all." I faked my smile. I took a bottle of water while she was reading her new script. I tried to open the bottle but because of my lupus, my wrists were very weak so I couldn't opened the bottle. I threw it to somewhere and got down. I was crying when Francia came and hugged me.

"Baby what happened? Please, tell me."

"My kidneys Francia, they are completely done. Waiting list is up to 7 or 10 years and I dont know what to do." she looked at my face.

"Well I'm going to get tested."

"No, no Francia I can't ask you to do this I didn't tell you to do this. You're not going to."

"Of course I'm going to get tested, you're my sister." I hugged her tightly.


Today was the day that I was going to learn if she's a match or not and we were waiting impatiently with my all friends and of course, Dylan. He was walking constantly from side to side. He was really stressful. He wanted to get tested too but I didn't want him to do. When Francia finally came in she was holding a box looks like a Bible. She handed it to me.

There was a little paper on the box saying 'sisters are always friends.' I remembered it. That was the quote I said to her when we first became friends. I opened the box and saw a little kidney bean. I looked at her.

"I'm a match." she said while trying to hide her smile. I burst into tears and hugged her.

"Oh my god I love you so much Francia!"

"Me too, Sel!" she hugged me too. When we pulled ourselves apart from each other I saw Dylan crying.

"Oh come here." he said and hugged me really, really tight. Everyone was hugging each other while we were crying like a little babies. I hugged everyone in a order and then hugged Dylan and Francia again. After that Dylan hugged Francia.

"Francia I couldn't be more grateful that you're doing this for Selena. I seriously don't know how to thank you but I want you to know that you're really the best person I've ever seen in my life." he said to Francia.

"And thank you for being with Selena whenever she needs you. You do Selena the world of good. And I'm sure that if I wasn't a match then you would search every person in this world to find her a match." said Francia to Dylan.

"You guys really want me to cry!" I said while hugging both of them.


Francia was just left the surgery and she was taking to her room and this was my turn. They weren't aware of that but I had left little letters on their pockets because I wasn't sure that if I was gonna wake up. They gave me narcosis and the last thing I remembered was Dylan's smile.


Dylan's POV

After the surgery, she was sleeping peacefully and of courss I was watching her. Her mother and step-dad was outside of the room like everyone else. While I was fondling her hair she suddenly started hyperventilating. She opened her eyes with the freaked our look in her eyes. I immediately call the doctors and held her hand.

"Calm down pickle, please, you're gonna be fine it's probably just a typical symptom, okay? Calm down I love you." I said while trying to comfort her but I was afraid, so much. Doctors came and looked at her.

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