-49-/Dylan's Birthday

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Selena's POV

Today was 26 August 2014, which was Dylan's birthday! As I learned from Julia, Dylan's older sister, he loves spending his birthday with his fav people. Which was me(of course), his family and close friends. That's why I bought tickets to Louisiana, where Maze Runner is shooting, We all came to Louisiana because Dylan was having such a busy schedule since they hasn't finished yet. I was at his hotel room and others were at theirs. It was funny that my first meeting with his parents for his birthday! While I was trying to find place for my luggage suddenly the door opened.

"Um hey, it is my room?"

"Yeah I know." I talked with a different voice, a little joke couldn't be bad, huh? I wasn't looking at him, he was only seeing my back.

"I don't know who are you but I think you should get going because I have a beautiful girlfriend at home and believe me I am a loyal boyfriend." I turned to him with my big smile.

"Awww that was so sweet honey!" He looked at me with a big surprise in his face. He ran to me, hugged me and started spinning me. I hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much.... I love love love love you!" I said while sniffing his cologne. Yeah, I even missed his scent.

"Selena how.. where.. what.. Oh whatever you're here! I was so sad that I was going to spend my birthday alone!" he planted a kiss on my forehead, nose and lastly lips. I smiled at him.

"Well you're not alone. Because I bring people with me."

"What? Who came?"

"Everyone! Your family, your friends!"

"Selena, I love you so much! But wait, don't you have an album to work on?"

"Oh yeah but I decided to have a break from working on it. Because today is my boyfriends birthday! Oh and don't worry about the set, I talked with your director and asked if they can delay your scenes for just one day aaannd he said yes! So you're free tomorrow! This means we can rest together." I said with the happines I couldn't hide. He was looking so tired but he smiled anyways.

"Sel I don't know what to say, sometimes I think you're so good for me!"

"Oh honey, I just wanna be good for you."


Dylan's POV

Selena really gave me the best birthday ever. I was so sad that being away from the ones I love on my birthday but Selena literally gathered everyone I love in the same place. Even she was busy working on her first album with Republic, she was really trying too hard for me to be happy.

About the photo scandal, we didn't make any comment about it and people eventually forgot it. Just the people loves us were always showing their support to us. Because of our busy schedule we weren't seeing with each other like we used to do so people really forgot us. Like, really. Selena and I both finished our Teen Wolf scenes early because of the Maze Runner so we weren't seeing each other for like 1 month.

We were in a yacht, Selena had arranged everything before like 1 month ago just to be sure everything was perfect. While I was filling my glass with champagne, my mother came.

"Selena is so cute."

"Yeah, I know. I guess she has been preparing this birthday for a while."

"Yeah, she was talking with Julia for too long. They arranged everything. She is such a family girl, she has a lady personality. Class, modest, cute, funny and everything. If you don't marry with this girl than I don't want anyone."

"Woaw, mom. We are just at our early 20s. But yeah you're right she is the best. I love her."

"No, you're in love with her." my mom smiled at me and then went  back to my dad. I started staring at Selena while drinking my champagne. She was in a pink flower dress, she was looking just like a princess. When she noticed that i was staring her, she came to me.

"Why are you watching me like that?" asked Selena. I smiled.

"I missed you, your smile, your eyes. I love you so much Gomez."

"I missed you too, and I love you more O'Brien." she hugged me while saying this. Julia came out of nowhere and pointed us her phones camera.

"Say cheese!"

"Pickle!" said Selena, not surprisingly. She took the photo and showed us.

"Oh my god we are so cute!"

"Let me look, oh god we really are!" i said while turning my head to her and kissing her forehead.

"You guys make me want a boyfriend!"

"Who would've want to date with you?" I said jokingly. She frowned and pointed me.

"Selly say something to your boyfriend!"

"Hey honey maybe there is someone who has a crush on Julia?" she winked.


"Oh I'm soo tired!"

"Me too, let's sleep."

"Okay but let me change my dress." said Selena and took something from her luggage and went to bathroom. I took of my shirt and wore comfy sweats. She came with just a t-shirt.

"Selena Marie Gomez, you know how to enamour me." She smiled and cuddled me in the bed.

"Yeah I know... Should we post a picture together, as a couple?"

"Oh I like this idea!"

"What about me? Do you like me?"

"Nah, I don't like you." I made my evil smile. "I love you."

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