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Selena's POV

It had been 2 months since we moved into our house. Everything was too perfect to be real. We were cooking together, baking together, cleaning together. We were doing everything together. There was echoes of our laughs in every corner. Today, Joe and Taylor was going to come to our place for first time. Taylor and I wanted to introduce our boyfriends, we wanted them to be friends because you know, best friends dates best friends.

When the doorbell rang we were making the table ready. Dylan quickly went to the door and opened it.

"Hi Tay, Joe. Welcome!" he said and let them in. I smiled at them.

"Welcome!" I said. They both smiled.

"Guys this place is awesome! I'm so happy for you two you guys finally realized that Dylena is endgame!!" said Taylor while hugging me.

"I'm happy too! Isn't it weird that we both have perfect relationships? I mean, unproblematic, nontoxic, full of love, real. It feels so unreal!" I said while looking at Tay, Joe and Dylan. Dylan smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Yeah it feels unreal but it's real. Look, I'm friends with the music endustry and the most talented actor!" Dylan said. It was so sweet that Dylan called Taylor "music endustry" and Joe "most talented actor", am I dreaming?

"Oh wait I should've said that most talented actor part! You have a huge fanbase, dude!" said Joe to Dylan.

"Awww Selena look at them! They're already bffs!!" said Taylor. We started jumping for joy. Dylan and Joe looked at us like we were crazy.

"Can we please eat? I'm hungry." said Dylan with his adorable look. I smiled at him and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Yeah let's eat!" I said and we sat on the table.


"Hey I think we should do a public appearance together!" said Taylor. She hated public appearances since 2016 so it was really weird. "I mean, people would go crazy!"

"Yeah! I also think that Joe and Dylan HAVE TO play in a movie together!" I said. That was true. Both of them were so talented and it would be smash hit!

"Let me guess, you and Taylor already thought about that." said Dylan.

"Yup." I said, Taylor hit my leg. "I mean, yesn't!"

"Oh god Selena why can't you just keep secret... Okay yeah we thought about that. Not only that, we planned everything." said Taylor.

"Yeah! You know that I'm a producer at the same time. And Taylor has good writing skills, like really good. Amazing. So we combined them aaand wrote a movie scenario! And we want you two to be lead actors!" I explained.

"Okay basically the movie is about two men, being enemies from literally the day they were born! They hate each other, they're always competing with each other. One day, they had to work with each other for city's benefit." said Taylor.

"You're going to make us make out in the film, aren't you?" asked Joe. He knew her girlfriend really well.

"YEAH! But that's not the best part! Best part is, JOE DYING IN DYLAN'S ARMS!" said Taylor in excitement. She was really crazy.

"What? Why am I dying?" asked Joe. Well that was a pretty good question.

"Because you risked your life to protect Dylan." I said.

"So we are going to kiss each other? I am going to kiss my girlfriends best friends boyfriend?" said Dylan. Yeah it was pretty confusing.

"Don't think it that way! Get in character! You're going to kiss your biggest love!" I said.

"And the movie soundtracks are... BAD LIAR! and of course... GETAWAY CAR! aand... DANCING WITH OUR HANDS TIED!" said Taylor.

"not finished yet! There's Fetish and End Game!" I said. We were so excited.

"Okay give us the script. I want to read it." Dylan said. Taylor took two script from her purse and gave to them.

"Hey, you guys are playing in the film too!" Joe said while looking at the script.

"Yeah, you guys are going to fight with us. And hell yeah I'm going to kiss Taytay!" I said while laughing.

"Don't act like you didn't before." said Taylor and winked at me.

"Oh bro I think we should keep them apart from each other or they're going to kick our asses to be together." Dylan said to Joe.

"Yeah definitely. WAIT! THERE'S A SEX SCENE!" said Joe.

"YEAH! I'M A BIG SHIPPER OF JOEYLAN!" said Taylor while laughing. "And guess what song is going to play at the background? SO IT GOES!"


"I had so much fun, thanks for hosting us." said Joe with his usual smile.

"You two can come everytime you want! Our door is always open!" said Dylan. Dylan and Joe became friends that night. They were really close and if you ask me, they were gonna be best friends for sure.

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