-68-/Date Night

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Selena's POV

Oh god. I am nervous. I can't believe that this was our third first date. I remembered the first time I asked him out.

"Would you like to go out with me tonight?" she said. She hadn't thought about that, it happened in a moment and she immediately felt like she's gonna get embarrased. But Dylan looked at her with eyes shining.

"Yeah, of course! Is it a date?" he asked curiously.

"It is totally a date." she replied and turned her back, walked to her trailer.

That was the funniest date I've ever been. Everything was perfect until Justin came to my house and kissed me.

"What are you talking about?" she said. Justin didn't even waited for her to finish her sentence, he grab her cheek and pulled her close. He didn't left her a space to pull herself away, he put his lips on hers and kissed her passionately. At the same moment, Dylan and the others came in and saw Justin and Selena in front of the door, kissing. Dylan immediately turned his back and started to walk outside of the patio. It happened just in a few seconds. Selena pushed Justin away and looked him in disgust. Tyler, Sprayberry and Hoechlin instantly went after Dylan. Holland, Shelley, Arden and Crystal were still in shock. Selena pushed Justin out from the house.

That was our first problem. While I was thinking our relationship I realized something. It always was our exes who became the main reason in our relationship. If we wanted to live a relationship and want it to last forever we should've to stop making it a big problem. Yeah that was hard to keep up but we were celebrities and people weren't gonna stop coming at us, like really. When I heard the horn of Dylan's car I took my bag and left the house. Dylan had already opened the door of his car for me get in. I got in, he closed the door and got in at his side.

"Dylan, I realized something."

"What is that?"

"If we stop giving our exes such a big role in our relationship then no one can intervene us."

"Yeah! You're right. I know this is our first date but can I ki-" of course I kissed him first! He kissed me back and put his hands on my waist. My one hand was messing his hair while my other hand was wandering on his chest. I approached more while we were kissing and it got flamed. He slowly went down to my neck and started kissing there. I closed my eyes and let him gave me a hickey.


"Oh god Lena we both have hickeys."

"I know! But I don't have my foundation with me so we have to be in public with them."

"Oh so we're going to let people know how great is our sex life." he smiled devilish. I put a kiss on his lips.

"Yeah, now since this street is off for cars, we need to walk the rest of the way." We got off from the car and started to walking in the street. I took his arm because I was having a little trouble walking with these high heeled boots. Paparazzis and other people were looking at us like they saw something so strange. It was their first time seeing a couple with hickeys?!


"I love spending time with you, pickle. It makes me feel like we're still 21."

"Yeah but I am almost 25. And you are almost 26!"

"Oh don't remind me! I'm getting older.."

"Don't be sad honey, I will love you even if you're 76."

"Really? Even if I won't be handsome like I am now?"

"Yeah, I will love you. Will you still love me?"

"Hell yeah! I will love you even you're not longer young or beautiful. I don't think that there would be a phase that you won't be beautiful but anyways." I smiled and held his hand.

"I love spending time with you too, honey. I feel like we're high school sweethearts. Homecoming queen and kings. Which I never had.."

"Wait, don't you ever had a homecoming?"

"No, I don't. Wish I had."

"Oh my poor pickle. Wish I could take you back to these years and make you to live the best homecoming ever."

"Ah you're so sweet honey. I don't know what I did to deserve you!"

"Joined Teen Wolf, I guess."

"Yeah, I did that and I am very proud of it."

"Ahh I love you so much."

"I love you so much too, Dylan O'Brien."

When our meals came we started eating while still chatting and laughing. That was the best date I've ever had. We were mature and in love.

"Do you remember the time we shot Stella and Stiles sex scene?"

"Yeah I remember! You were so horny that you had a tent in your pants!"

"Hey you were looking at there so you were horny too."

"I never denied. That was why I asked you for a date at that times."

"Oh my god did you dated me just because you were horny?" he said while joking.

"Um yeah! But believe me, that was the best."

"The date or the sex?"

"I would sayyyyy sex?"

"Ooh great answer. I liked that."

"Yeah except we are in public and talking about sex."

"Oh do you have to remind me that we are in public?"

"Yeah! I don't want to get called by horny couple!"

"I think we already got that nickname."

"Yeah but it is pretty true."

"Let's say 'Madly in love couple', ha?"

"I like it. We are madly in love couple."

"Yeah. We are." he kissed my hand and smiled.

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