-35-/Comic Con

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Selena's POV

Yeah, I was at the Comic Con but I was the SURPRISE! Even the cast member didn't know that I was coming, it was just Jeff and me. When everyone sat, there was one place empty, yeah it was for me. Everyone started to look at each other to find who was missing.

"Oh guys wait we forgot our babygirl!" said Jeff, it was our joke. We were making fun of how Justin was calling me 'babygirl'. When they heard babygirl they immediately understand that it was me. I saw the sparkle on Dylan's eyes and I decided that it was my time to come. I came out of nowhere on the stage.

"Hello, did you miss Stella Argent because she didn't miss any of you guys, except Stiles." i winked at him because that was what Jeff and I planned. I sat on the empty seat, which was in the middle of Holland and Dylan's seats. Dylan smiled at me and whispered.

"Hello beauty." I smiled at him, then turned to the audience. They were all excited because no one was waiting for me to show up.

"What a surprise! Now everyone from the cast is fully we can start with the questions!"

Everyone was answering audiences questions, when it was Dylan's turn i wondered what would they ask him. He looked at the crowd and selected someone.

"Hey, yeah you beautiful brunette!"

"OMG! Hi Stiles, Dylan, whatever you want to be called. Um, my question is about you and Selena. Are you going to date soon, because you guys are absolutely soulmates! Also I think love will remember is for you, so that means you guys dated and broke up, then please date again!!!!"

Dylan looked at her with mouth open then laughed. "Oh that was... so Stiles? You detective, you solved it!" He laughed. "But no, we never broke up because we weren't dating. We are just friends who supports each other all the way up. And thanks for saying that we are soulmates, if we have to date with everyone who is our soulmate then- Tyler come here!" he made a move to go to Tyler but then chose to stay where he was sitting.

Then he picked another girl.

" You, blonde! What is your question?"

"i want you to do kill-kiss-marry. The three people are Justin Bieber, Nick Jonas and Taylor Lautner. With reasons. "

"Oh that was easy! Marry Taylor Lautner because you know he is a werewolf and my best friend is a werewolf soo I have a lot of experience." He laughed and continued. "Kiss Nick Jonas because he is handsome." He winked at the camera and continued. "And kill Justin Bieber because he is such a drama maker and I hate drama makers. Plus he is my bestie's ex so what do you expect?"

I laughed and put my hand on Dylan's shoulder. "Dylan they were all my exes.." He breathed and made a fake angry face.

"Oh god is there anyone who you haven't dated?" I bursted into laughter and put my face on the desk. "Why are you doing this to meeee?" He laughed and turned back to the crowd for the next question.

"Hey, yeah you! May i ask what is your question?"

"Hi! Um, my question is... What would Stiles do when he found out that actually he killed his love?"

"Oooh great question. I think he would be devastated. Because, who wouldn't? His love died in his hands while he couldn't control himself. That was such a pain and trauma and i think that is the thing gives Nogitsune his power."

I smiled at the how great was the answer. He was really living his role. Annd my turn came. I picked a girl who was trying go show herself so hard.

" Hey sweetie, yes you!"

"OMG SELENA GOMEZ CALLED ME SWEETIE!!!! Okay okay okay there is my question; do you ever want to date with Dylan O'Brien? Like, date-date. Boyfriend-Girlfriend date."

I turned my head to him and stared at him a little bit. Then I remembered that I didn't answer the question yet so I turned to the audience again.

"Oh, I don't know, I would, I guess. He is such a cute and gentleman. Who wouldn't want it?" I smiled big, like really big. Dylan smiled like me and I swear that I heard 'aawwww's from the crowd. Then I picked one other person and asked her question.

"As a human being, Dylan O'Brien or Justin Bieber?"

"Oh you want me to compare people! O'Brien all the way, he is so cute, so gentleman, he has all the good features. He's like Walmart version of Chandler Bing, and I ADORE Chandler Bing."

"Oh you see that, Selena complimented me! That is the first time since our almost 1-year-friendship!" I laughed and picked another person to hear their question.

"Hey sweetheart I'm listening to you?"

"What would you do if you were Stella, like.. What would you do if the only boy you trusted in your life is captured by the nogitsune and kills you?"

"Oh that was really good. I would probably freak out because I'm scared of death so badly. But if I were Stella I would probably know that it wasn't Stiles who wants to do it. Because she knew Stiles loved him till her last breath. And I'm sure he still loves her even she is dead now."

Dylan put his arm around my shoulder and laughed. "Oh Sel you really want to make us cry..." I laughed and put my head on his shoulder. "Yeah so you better cry O'brien!!!" I talked with a upbraiding voice tone. He laughed and put his head onto my head. Audience was too busy with saying 'awww' to us....

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