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Selena's POV

"Yeah, I need to eat something, do you want?"

"Oh can you order me a pizza? I need to finish these lyrics."

"Oh okay." said Sam and left me in the recording studio alone. Dylan's taping was done but I was still working on my album. I was writing a song named 'Hands to Myself' and it was pretty hot. And while not seeing my boyfriend for 2 weeks, as you can understand I couldn't writing it. I tried to sing it again thinking maybe I could find the right rhythm.

Can't keep my hands to myself
No matter how hard I'm trying to
I want you all to myself
You're metaphorical gin and juice

So come on give me a taste
Of what it’s like to be next to you
Won't let one drop go to waste
You're metaphorical gin and juice

As I was singing the lyrics I was dancing a little bit, sexy.

Can't keep my hands to myself
I want it all, no, nothing else
Can't keep my hands to myself
Give me your all and nothing else
Oh, I, I want it all
I want it all, I want it all
Can't keep my hands to myself

While I was singing, suddenly I heard a male voice.

"I mean I could but why would I want to?"

I immediately turned back looked who is it because voice was so familiar.


"Oh, what did I do?"

"You just found the lyric I was searching for days!" He smiled.

"Yey, I wrote a song! Are you going to add my name to the credits?"

"Yeah of course!"

"No I was joking!"

"But I'm going to add it!" I ran and hugged him tightly. "Oh I missed you so much.."

"I missed you too, pickle. But if you are going to add me to the credits, than make it more mysterious."


"Write Mieczyslaw. Only real teen wolf fans could understand it."

"What about Miecz? If we use whole name it will be so easy."

"Okay Miecz Mas. Mas is from Thomas, my Maze Runner character."

"Perfect, Miecz Mas!" we continued cuddling.

"Why are you so tiring yourself? You don't have to finish this album so quickly."

"Yeah but I want to finish it as soon as possible because if it blows charts then I'm going to have a world tour."

"You mean you're not going to be there for half year?"

"We can call it like that."

"What am I gonna do without youu?" he talked with a sad tone. I hugged him more tight.

"Oh honey if I release this album in 2015 then the the tour will be in 2016."

"So we have 1,5 year together before you go on a tour?"

"Yeah." when he heard my approve, he cuddled me more tightly.

"Honey I know I look like an angel to you but sometimes I need to breathe!!" he realized that he was tightening me so much so he stopped cuddling and kissed me. We kissed a little bit then I looked at him.

"I think nothing happens if I leave the studio early."

"Oh finally you said it before me!" both of us laughed.

"Okay then you wait for me outside I'll come as soon as possible I need to get my stuff."

"Okay pickle." he planted a kiss on my cheek and left the studio. While I was getting ready the door opened but I didn't mind looking at there, probably it was Dylan.

"Honey did you forgot something?" No answer? I heard the door lock and I realized that wasn't Dylan. I turned my back and rolled my eyes. Really?

"What are you doing here Justin?"

"Oh, just came to catch up."

"Oh really? So why did you lock the door?"

"I don't want anyone to interrupt it."

"You're really insane. Open that door."

"No, I'm not."


"And I said no. I'm not opening that door."

"You know Dylan is outside right? And when I don't go soon he'll come here."

"Aww I'm so scared right now. What is he gonna do when he come? Knock knock the door? Oh sorry no one's at the home." he laughed. I looked at him in disgust.

"You are sick! What are you want from me?"

"I want you to get back to me. Actually I don't want, I command you to get back to me!"

"YOU ARE SICK JUSTIN!" I tried to walk the door but he hold my arm. "Let go of me!"


"LET GO OF ME JUSTIN!" while we were shouting at each other, someone was started to hitting the door and I guess it was Dylan.

"Justin let go of my arm or I will scream at the top of my lungs!"

"Try it, TRY IT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" I tried to scream but he immediately closed my mouth and leant me to the wall.

"I am not finished yet you HAVE TO listen to me!"



Dylan's POV at the same time

I was hearing Selena's shouting and I was getting more and more angry at Justin. I tried to break the door but the door was too harsh. While I was looking at the walls for another option I saw the duplicate keys. I took them immediately and unlocked the door. I bounced into the room when I saw Justin trying to kiss Selena, I looked at him with anger and pulled Justin from his t-shirt.

I punched him in the face and prostrated him. I was punching him uncontrollably until I saw Selena still leaning to the wall and shaking. I let go off Justin and pointed my finger at him.

"If I see you nearer to Selena again, I will KILL you! You don't have any right to lock her up in a room while she was saying no!"

I hugged Selena to calm her.

Selena's POV at the same time

Dylan hugged me while I was still shaking. He was petting my head while I was silently crying.

"I swear that wasn't my fault-"

"Sssh, pickle. You don't have to say this. I know this wasn't your fault. It is all his fault."

"Thank you, honey. Thank you for coming."

"I'll come whenever you're in danger, whenever you feel bad. Nothing matters."

"I love you honey, I love you more than anything."

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