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Selena's POV

I was at the backstage waiting for my time to come. I went in front of the mirror and fixed my dress and hair. When I hear my name from the speakers, I breathed heavily and walked to the stage. I greeted the audience screaming my name. I hugged Ellen then sat on the couch.

"Selena Gomez, can I talk about how much I missed you???"

"Yeahh me too!!! It's been ages!!"

"Don't say that! So I'm starting because you know I am way too curious."

I laughed and talked. "Yeah, please."

"First of all, as Justin said on twitter you blocked him but why?"

I moved on in my seat uncomfortably. "Yeah I blocked him because he was writing so awkward comments and I felt like he was using my name as a clout. You know, it felt wrong so I blocked him to get rid of it."

"Yeah that was the best way I guess. I have a lot of questions for your new song, especially it's a ballad you wrote with your best friends! How did you guys decide to do it?"

"Actually it was such an unexpected moment. We were sitting in the living room, you know junk foods, sad songs, letting our hair down and all of a sudden songs first 2 line appeared in my mind and i wrote it as soon as possible in my notebook. A little while after that Taylor was playing piano and finding the right melody, Demi and I were writing the lines and it happened so quick. I love what we did there."

"So, who is the lucky guy in that song?"

"If i say that, where will the mystery remain?" I laughed nervously. I wasn't gonna say that 'It's about Dylan!' I can't do that!

"Is it for Justin Bieber?"

"Eww no!" I frowned. "No, not for him oh god! Why would I write song about a boy who cheated on me twice?" I continued frowning while talking sarcastically.

"Ooh then it is for Dylan O'Brien?"

I looked at Ellen for a while, then nervously laughed. "As I said, I can't tell you that who is it."

"Okay then next question. What story are you telling us in the song?"

I got upright where I was sitting and started talking. "It is about a relationship that even the people who own this relationship don't know if it is finished or not. Both of them still loves each other, they don't know how it ended so quickly. They made promises but you know, sometimes promises had to be broken." I breathed deeply before go on again.

"This song is very special and hard for me to sing actually, and I hope I won't cry while singing it in here." I faked my smile. Ellen smiled too. When we got quiet I thought I should continue.

"They made plans, they tought they were inseparable but.. they weren't. But whatever happens between them they knew one thing. They knew that even if they try to forget it, love will always remember." When I finished my speech, there was people who were applauding me while stooding up and there was people who were applauding me while still sitting. I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks everyone."

"That was pretty good speech, Selena. It was just like you poured your heart in front of everyone, that was so brave. So now it is time to hear the song!" People applauded again, I stood up and went to the microphone.

Now's all we got,
And time can't be bought.
I know it inside my heart,
Forever will forever be ours.
Even if we try to forget, love will remember.

I was looking at the crowd while singing the song. My eyes searched Teen Wolf cast, especially Dylan.

You said you loved me, I said I loved you back
What happened to that? What happened to that?
All your promises, and all them plans we had
What happened, what happened, what happened to that?

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