Chapter 21

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Jimin arrived at Yoongi's home, his head covered with a hood so that no one can recognize him as the prince

After 2 hours of standing outside of Yoongi's door, Jimin pulled his hood down and finally mustered up the courage to knock on his door.

"Who is it?" Jimin heard an unfamiliar female voice from inside.

When the door opened, a girl with messy hair and smeared makeup came to view.

Wearing Yoongi's shirt.

The girl gasped.

"Your highness!" The girl recognized Jimin.

Just before Jimin was about to say something,

"Who's at the door?" He heard Yoongi talking.

Jimin looked at the female and his eyes started to water.

"Sorry, but please don't tell Yoongi I was here." Jimin pleaded.

The girl nodded, still stunned at how the prince is standing in front of her. Jimin went back to his horse and pulled his hood up.

His ride back to the palace was not pleasant as he almost fell off the horse many times due to him not focusing. Jimin arrived at the palace with slouched shoulders. Looking down at the ground, not paying attention to anything.


Y/n welcomed Jimin into the palace but she notices his sad and upset look.

"Did it not go well?" She looks at me worriedly.

"I think he has a girlfriend." Jimin tried to hold it in, but he couldn't.

He burst into tears and cries loudly. Y/n hugged Jimin as he cried into her shoulder.

"A girlfriend? That fast?" Y/n asked.

Jimin sobbed louder.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH HEY THAT'S MY JOB!" Taehyung pushed Y/n away and had Jimin cry into his shoulder.

Taehyung stuck his tongue out while Y/n looked at him in disbelief.

"Let's go Jiminie, we'll talk in your room." Taehyung softly took Jimin's hand and led him to his room.


After Taehyung and Jimin left, I went to me and Jungkook's shared room. Ugh, I miss him. Suddenly, Jungkook bursted into the room.

"What do I do? What do I do?!!" Jungkook paced around the room.

"Jungkook? What's wrong?" I asked him.

"My guests are coming in TWO DAYS! I have yet to send out invitations to the celebration of the arrival of the guests! Heck, I haven't even PLANNED the ball!" Jungkook gripped his hair and then paced around faster.

They must be really special to have a whole party thrown by the king for them...

"Your maje- *clears throat* Jungkook, calm down. Don't stress yourself too much." I walked over to him.

He sighed deeply and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, I haven't spent enough time with you. I've been so cooped up in the work room, I miss cuddling with you." Jungkook squeezed me tighter.

"No need to apologize, I understand you have very important business to attend to. Just promise that after all this is done, you'll finally sleep in the same bed as me again." I buried my head into his chest.

Oh how I've changed. Just a few months ago, I hated him to the point I wanted to have his head chopped off. Now I'm in love...

"I promise." He smiled.

*Knock Knock*

"Your majesty, sir Lee would like to meet with you for the planning of the celebration." We hear the voice outside.

"Tell him I'll be there in a few moments." Jungkook pouted at me.

"Go, hurry and get everything done to fulfill your promise." I laughed.

He nodded cutely and ran to go get his work done. My smile soon faded.

Why is he working so hard for these two girls? How long have they known each other? Do they have feelings for Jungkook? Do they know he has a fiancé?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a growl from my stomach. Food.


{Jimin's POV}

"So you didn't even get a chance to see him?" Taehyung asked.

Jimin nodded sadly, still upset that he found a girl wearing Yoongi's shirt, inside Yoongi's house.

" have feelings for him. You're jealous, you're crying over him, you feel things when you see him. Perhaps you got over Y/n?" Taehyung said

"I don't know, I'm so confused." Jimin groaned.

"You know what? Forget Y/n and Yoongi, they both suck! Don't chase any of them, and focus on yourself! Being single is better!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"Tae, you're always so upset because you're single. I don't wanna be like you." Jimin laughed.

"Sure, I get jealous when I see people dating. But I'm also glad because I don't need to depend on anybody but myself. I don't need to keep on working myself for another person. Because I love myself and that's important." Taehyung became proud of his little speech.

"Uh, that sounds a little...self-centered" Jimin raised his eyebrow at Taehyung.

"No no, Jimin I'm confident in myself now. I feel good about myself, and I can be myself for me and not anyone else! And that's important before starting a relationship. Jimin, take a rest from all this and focus on yourself."

Jimin smiled at his best friend.

"Since when did you get so mature!" Jimin chuckled

Jimin and Taehyung, talked the rest of the time. With both of them falling asleep in Jimin's bed.

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