Chapter 11

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"What if I don't want to let you go?"

"Jimin, please don't let this ruin our friendship. I love our friendship more than anything and I couldn't ask for more. It's okay if you're not ready or don't want someone else right now. You just need time to yourself and I'll give you that." I lightly slid out of his hands.

As I was about to walk out, he held onto my wrist.

"Please, at least give me one hug." Jimin said desperately.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around him. Jimin tightly clutches my shirt before letting go.

"Talk to me when you feel better and when you are ready to talk to me again. I'll be right here when you need me." I smiled and walked out of his room.

As I left, I saw Jungkook. Shi-BEEEEEP!

"What were you doing in Jimin's room?" Jungkook asked

"I-I was asking if he wanted any snacks!" I lied.

Jungkook stepped towards me which made me step back. He kept walking towards me until my back hit the wall and his face was only a few inches away from my face.

"You never asked me if I wanted snacks." Jungkook said with an unreadable face.

"Y-You just a-ate! Jimin d-didn't eat much." I stuttered

Jungkook tilted his head. God, that's hot. He inches closer and closer. Until-

"Can you not do that in front of my room?"

Me and Jungkook both looked at the owner of the voice.

"Why? This is my palace, I can do whatever I want, anywhere I want in my home, Jimin." Jungkook slid his arm protectively.

I tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge.

"Jungkook!" I whispered while gritting my teeth.

"What, you're my fiancé. Skinship should be normal." Jungkook pulled me closer.

I looked at Jimin apologetically while trying to push Jungkook off.

"I just ask you not to do the dirty in front of my door." Jimin walked back into his room and shut the door.

"Jungkook, what the heck was that!" I punched his chest hard.

"Ow! I was showing off my girl." Jungkook hugged me.

"Shut the fu-BEEEEP up. You're so stupid, UGH!" I stomped off.

Jungkook watched as I stomped away, stuffing his hands in his pockets as his smile drifted away.


After Jungkook had teased Y/n in the dining room, Y/n had ran off from embarrassment. Jungkook chuckled deeply and followed her to make her feel better. As he looked for her, Jungkook saw Y/n walked into Jimins room.

'What's she doing in hyungs room?' Jungkook thought.

Jungkook listened to their whole conversation, with a straight face. No expression.


"Hyung, why do you keep coming to the palace!" Jungkook whines at Yoongi who invited himself in.

"Shut up, god you're so annoying. Your home is my home." Yoongi jumped on the couch.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and saw Jimin waking downstairs. Jimin froze as he saw Yoongi laying on the couch. Jungkooks mood immediately went down after seeing Jimin.

"Hyung, let's go to my room. I don't feel like staying in the same room with a dumpster." Jungkook said while staring at Jimin.

Jimin was used to it by now. He would always laugh it off and just follow Jungkook around the palace, saying that he's a meanie. Even when Yoongi had always came over, Jungkook would tell Jimin to go away but Jimin would always followed Jungkook around like a baby duck following its mother. But this time, Jimin glared at Jungkook and clenches his fists.

"Why, this couch is com-" Yoongi stopped his sentence as he saw Jimin.

"Y-Yeah, let's go to your room." Yoongi ran past Jimin and went to Jungkooks room.

"I see you're finally growing up. You used to act like a 5-year old child when I hurt your feelings." Jungkook smirked and walked past Jimin, heading to his room.

Jimin unclenches his fist and let out a deep breath that he had been holding. A tear had fell out of his eye as he sat down on the stairs. He buried his head into his hands.

'Why, why doesn't anything work out for me?' Jimin asked himself, crying his eyes out.


"That was harsher than before. You'd always just say go away, no wonder he looked so upset when you said that." Yoongi scolded Jungkook.

"Well what's wrong with you? You ran away as soon as you saw him." Jungkook defended himself.

"I don't know." Yoongi tried to escape by sleeping on Jungkooks bed.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and laughed at his hyung.

"I need a Y/n right now." Jungkook got up from his chair and went to find Y/n.

As Jungkook left, Yoongi opened one eye to see if he was gone. When he saw that he wasn't here, Yoongi got up and walked out. Yoongi stood in front of Jimins door and took a deep breath.

Without knocking, Yoongi walked in.

"Who-" Jimin stopped as he saw Yoongi standing at his doorway.

"H-Hyung." Jimin stuttered while dropping his apple.


"Y/n~" Jungkook skipped around the garden.

"Yes?" I asked again taking a deep breath from annoyance.

Jungkook has been skipping around me while I was watering the flowers for 10 minutes already.

"I'm dizzy now. When are you done?" Jungkook stopped skipping.

"Right now because I can't do my work because of you." I dropped the can of water into the grass.

"Why are you even doing that? We have a gardener for a reason." Jungkook crosses his arms.

"I like it. I'm so used to working that without doing anything, I feel... uncomfortable? Plus it's so boring here, I need to do something to keep me occupied." I sighed.

"Then you should've came to me! I'll make sure you will never be bored." Jungkook wiggles his eyebrows.

I scoffed and shook my head disappointedly.

"You're such a pervert, I sometimes wonder if you're the king." I laughed.

But Jungkook didn't laugh. Once again, he had backed me up onto the wall, so close to my face.

"I do not act like a king? Should I show you what a king should do?" Jungkook hovered the back of his hand on my cheek.

"H-Hey, what are you doing?" I poked his stomach.

Jungkook chuckled deeply and returned to an emotionless face.

"I'll show you what a real king is." Jungkook leaned towards me and our lips were so close.

"Your majesty."

"CAN WE EVER HAVE TIME TO OURSELVES?!" Jungkook shouted angrily as his veins were starting to pop out.

"Your majesty, your cookies and banana milk are ready." Namjoon bowed.

"Oh. Yay!" Jungkook claps and skipped to the dining room where his snacks were.

My eyes were were still wide open and shocked.

"You good?" Namjoon pokes my cheek.

"No." I went back to watering the flowers.

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