Chapter 5

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I ORDER YOU TO DO THIS! I ORDER YOU TO DO THAT! UGHHH, no wonder I despise royalty! All they do is order people around and get whatever they want! Worse thing is, I can't do anything about it or I'll be beheaded for talking back to the king!!! He even is forcing me and my parents to move into the palace!

I miss my parents. I haven't seen them since only yesterday. After that conversation with Yoongi, Yoongi stomped out due to being mad that he can't live at the palace no matter how many times he asked to. Finally I'm going to see my parents again.

But the sad thing is, I'm meeting them to tell them to pack to move to the palace. The worse part is that Jungkook has to come with. My parents are going to freak out once they see THE KING standing at their door.

"I'm nervous!"

"Why are you nervous? You're the king, everybody but you should be nervous." I leaned back to the seat of the carriage.

"Because I'm meeting your parents! Its nerve wrecking to meet the parents of your cru- you know what, never mind. I'm not nervous. I got this!" Jungkook encouraged himself.

I rolled my eyes.

"We're here your majesty." The driver said.

"I'M NERVOUS!" Jungkook started breathing heavily.

"Y-Your majesty, you good?" I placed my hand on his back.

"Yep, I'm good now!" Jungkook jumped out of the car.


'She touched my back! My heart is pounding so loudly! Shut up you stupid heart!' Jungkook thought as he headed towards the house they stopped at.

"Here is my home." I pointed to my poorly constructed house.

I walked up to my door with Jungkook following behind. Soon, I knocked. I had forgotten the key to my house at the palace so I obviously can't open the door.

Two second later, the door flung open.

"OH MY BABY!!!" My mother cried while pulling me into a tight hug.

"Y/N!" My father also hugged me tightly.

"Why are you dressed so pretty? I mean you're beautiful!" My father looked at all of my new fancy clothes.

"Now explain to me why the kings assistant showed up at our door last night saying that you're at the palace!" My mother kissed all over my face.

Suddenly a cough was heard right behind me. My parents gasped in sync.

"YOUR MAJESTY!!!" My fathers voice shook.

"Um hello?" Jungkook didn't know what to say.

"W-What are you doing here?" My  mothers hands were nervously shaking.

"I think miss Y/n would like to tell you something." Jungkook signaled me to talk.

"Mom, dad, I know this is going to sound unbelievable, but we are invited to move into the palace." I scratched the back of my neck not knowing what else to do.

"W-W-W-Whaaaat?" My mothers jaw dropped.

"Um, why don't you go talk inside? I'll wait in the carriage." Jungkook walked back.

My mother pulled me inside and shut the door.

"Explain." My mother sat me down on a chair.

"I fell and I got treated by the king. Now he wants us to move in the palace. But I'm not sure as to why though." I laughed nervously.

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