Chapter 13

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Jungkook and I walked around the village, people staring at him in fear. I looked up at Jungkook and see him looking down to his feet.

"Do you want to leave?" I stopped him.

Jungkook looked at me and smiled gently.

"No! I want to get to know the people that live in my kingdom."

I nodded and led him around.

"Auntie, we need that delicious bibimbap!" I told the lady behind the stand.

"Yes, of course for my beautiful Y/n and the king!" She looked at me lovely but glanced suspiciously at the king.

"Don't worry, he's here to get to know his people."

Jungkook quickly nodded.

The lady looked at Jungkook up and down while getting our food ready. When she was done, she set the food on the mini table and gave us some water.

"Thank you!" I licked my lips at how yummy it looked.

I mixed the food and stuffed my mouth. I looked up to see Jungkook awkwardly holding his wooden spoon while staring at the food.

"What" I asked with my mouth full.


"Right, you always have that fancy food at the palace."

Jungkook scratched his neck embarrassed. I giggled at his cuteness and took his bowl.

I mixed the food around and took a spoonful.

"Aah" I told him to open up.

Jungkook opened his mouth wide so I shoved the spoon inside his mouth.

"Good?" I asked

Jungkook chewed slowly then started to chew faster as his eyes lit up. He snatched the bowl and spoon and dig into the food. I chuckled at him as I also started to eat my food again.


"Who makes your heart beat faster, Y/n or Yoongi?"

"Tae can we talk about this later?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung sighed deeply.

"I know you have an answer. I know you're confused. I won't push you to tell me but remember I'm your best friend, I'm always there for you and we tell each other everything. If you don't want to tell me, that doesn't change the fact that we're the best friends ever! I just want you to know I won't judge you for any choice you make. Unless you eat my brownies and say they're disgusting again." Taehyung stood up from Jimins bed and walked towards the door and reached for the door handle.


Taehyung froze in his tracks.

"What?" Taehyung turned to face Jimin who was looked down to the floor.

"Y/n. When I think about both Y/n and Yoongi, my heart beats faster for Y/n." Jimins voice cracked.

Taehyung looked at the now crying boy. He walked towards the small, petite boy and hugged him.

"It'll be okay, we'll figure it out together." Taehyung strokes Jimins hair.

Jimin sobbed louder into Taehyungs shirt.

"It's okay Chimchim." Taehyung hugged him tighter.

Jimin let out a breathy giggle.

"It's been a while since you called me that." Jimin sniffled.


"Shut up."


"What the fu-BEEEEP!"


"WHAT HAPPENED!" Hoseok came in with a rope, ready to choke someone with it.

"Why the fu-BEEEP! were you shaking your as-BEEEP!" Yoongi looked at Namjoon in disgust.

After Yoongi walked downstairs from Jimins room, he found Namjoon shaking his butt up and down in the middle of the room.

"It's called twerking, it's a dance move I made!" Namjoon said cheerfully like nothing weird happened.

"Please do it in your room and not in the middle of the palace where anyone can just walk in. You're lucky it was just me and Hoseok." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Please don't tell Jungkook about it, he'll kill me! He said if I ever get off task, he'll send me to the dungeons and torture me with killing a bunch of crabs!" Namjoon pleaded.

"That sounds good, I'll tell him then. Wait but why are you so obsessed with crabs? They're so stupid."

"I will choke slam you onto this wooden floor. Now get out, this ain't your home." Namjoon straighten his clothes up.

"Is this how Jungkooks servants talk to his guest? Don't forget you're just a butler." Yoongi crosses his arms.

"Since when were you a guest? Last time I checked, Jungkook was the one always trying to kick you out. If you're wondering, JUNGKOOK let ME stay in the palace while YOU don't live here." Namjoon smirked.

"Oh please, he only let you live here because you're his BUTLER. Meaning you're nothing more than a peasant! But I am his best friend!" Yoongi flipped his invisible hair.

"Can't we just all get along?" Hoseok dropped his rope.

Yoongi and Namjoon glared at each other, ignoring Hoseok.


"I'm so full~" I whined

"I ate more than you!" Jungkook said

"Well you have a bigger stomach."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"Yes, yes I am."

Jungkook looked at me defended.

"Prince prince!" Jihoo ran and hugged Jungkooks leg.

"Hey little boy!" Jungkook picked him up.

"Jihoo, do you wanna bring the charming prince to the others?" I asked

Jihoo quickly nodded and jumped out of Jungkooks arms. He then held me and Jungkooks hand and led us to the other kids. While walked down the street, others looked at us weirdly. None of them were at the ball so they have no idea as to why I'm with the king. They especially don't know I'm his fiancé.

"Chae!" Jihoo started running while dragging us towards the kids that were playing.

"Chae! Look, it's noona!" Jihoo jumped.

"Unnie!" Chaeyeon ran and jumped onto me.

"Chae, you're still pretty as always!" I laughed as I carried her.

"Yes, I'm pretty but you're still prettier!" Chaeyeon giggled.

Chaeyeon then looked at Jungkook and gasped.

"U-Unnie, who's this?" She looked at Jungkook up and down.

"This is-"

"Whatever, I think I just found my first love." Chaeyeon cut me off as she looked at Jungkook dreamily.

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