Chapter 17

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"Relax, it's not like you're gonna get laid. Unless..." Taehyung wiggles his eyebrows.

"We are NOT going to do the dirty. I can guarantee you that." Jimin rolled his eyes as he tried to make his hair look good.

"Well it's not like you don't want it. I mean you've never done IT before, don't you think your pp should be wrinkled by now?"

"Shut up, how would you know if I've done it or not before." Jimin said while glaring at Taehyung through the mirror.

"Jimin, I'm Taehyung. I know everything about you including your s*x life. Now go sit on Yoongi's pp before his gets wrinkled."

"I am NOT going to do it with him, it's only the first date Tae!" Jimin did the final touches to his hair.

"Yeah sure, but you're gonna be in his bed by the end of the date no matter how much you deny it." Taehyung pat his shoulders.

"Look, I asked you about my clothes. Not wether or not I'll be in bed with Yoongi." Jimin sassily shoves Taehyung out of the way and walks to his pairs of shoes to pick out.

"Okie fine, but those shoes are ugly on you. Put them down right now."

Jimin pouted and slowly dropped the shoes. Taehyung walked closer to Jimin and scanned the shoes that were sprawled out all over the floor.

"Hmm, these look better. They're the shoes that scream "I want to get laid". Taehyung winked and handed him the shoes.

Jimin looked up at Taehyung while smiling, then threw the shoes at his face.
















Jungkook sat on a stool and sulked.

A few minutes ago, I decided to go to the kitchen and see what the chefs were up to. Unfortunately I bumped into Jungkook on the way and he followed me to the kitchen like a lost child. He then told everyone to leave as he got the idea to bake a cake with me.

"Are you seriously upset right now?" I crossed my arms as I look at Jungkook in disbelief.

"You're mean. I just wanted to bake a cake with you." Jungkook pouted.

This is definitely the opposite of what I thought Jungkook was initially like. The cold hearted, rude, and cruel king turns into a soft, bratty, baby.

"Jungkook, I hate cake." I said.
(True fact about me, sowy I just don't like it🥺)

"Okay don't eat it then, I'll eat it." Jungkook stood up and walked towards me.

"But I'm so lazy, can we do this when I actually have energy?" I whined

"I'll give you energy then." Jungkook wrapped his arm around my waist and closed the space in between us.

"You'll be all energized" Jungkook slowly leaned in, our lips just centimeters apart.

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