Chapter 6

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"You are coming to the ball!"

"Your majesty, we discussed this. That's not a good idea." I crossed my arms.

"It's Jungkook, and it's a GREAT idea!" Jungkook said.

A few minutes earlier, Jungkook had burst into my room without knocking while I was drawing in my special notebook. I quickly closed it which made Jungkook curious but remembered to force me to go to the ball tonight.

"Jungkook, it's a ball. Only high middle to high classes can go. It's a high doubt that I will be not insulted by rich people."

"There's no rule that says lower class cannot attend. I don't see why lower classes never attend." Jungkook said.

"Because they are scared of higher classes."

"So you're scared." Jungkook smirked.

"What, no! I just simply can't fit in." I argued

"They won't know, I'll put you in a dress, heels, makeup, beautiful hairstyle-"

"That won't work. They know me, I guess I became 'popular' when I upset the middle high class people. Rumors spread and some high class know me. There's no doubt that they will spread more rumors to other high class people."

"What the hell did you do to upset half the middle high class AND have the rumors spread to high class?" Jungkook crossed his arms.

"I may or may not have fought a few people. Anyways, I'm not going." I got up from the chair I was sitting at next to my desk.

"King's order." Jungkook smirked evilly.

"UGHH" I pulled my hair.

"Yes, your majesty. I'll go." I said while gritting my teeth.

"Great! I'll get a designer to make a dress specifically made for you!" Jungkook ran out of the room.

"What a king." I rolled my eyes.

I sat back down and took the notebook out again. I took some color pencils that were sitting in the corner of my desk and opened the notebook to the last page I was on. I colored the dress pink. Although I'm not a big fan of pink, the color matched the dress and it looked pretty. Obviously it wouldn't look pretty on me though.

After I get done selling bread, I always sat down on my bed, drawing designs of clothing. Especially dresses. (Sorry if you don't like dresses) My dream was to be a designer but me being a low class, it's impossible.


"No. No. No. NO. NO!!! Don't you have any good dresses?! None of them are even presentable!" Jungkook groaned

"Your majesty, this is all we could find. You rejected over 2,000 dresses already." Hoseok said while telling the maids to take the dresses away.

"I need the perfect dress that will suit her, something she'll feel comfortable in. Something that'll satisfy her." Jungkook rubbed his temples.

"Why don't you bring her here? Then she can choose the dress." Hoseok suggested.

"Why don't you shut up and let me think. I can't, it's going to be a surprise."

Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Find out what she likes, her favorite color? Maybe she like flowers? Lace? Or maybe she doesn't even want a dress?"

"You're right! I shall do that now!" Jungkook jumped up from his comfy seat.

Hoseok watched as the king happily ran to find Y/n. He had never see the king like that before and it worries him.

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