Chapter 24

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I woke up very happily, the ball last night ended smoothly. Especially when I saw Yoongi and Jimin coming of a room holding hands, though the two princesses were glaring at me the rest of the night...

This time, I woke up to Jungkook next to me.

"Your majesty..." I stroked his cheek, admiring his charming face.

Yes, it was very creepy that I was doing this while he was sleeping but I couldn't help it!

I got up and looked at the clock, 5:45 AM.

Ah, the princesses and I were supposed to meet today! I rushed to get ready and head into the kitchen. But before I did, I kissed Jungkook's forehead while he was still fast sleep.

"Your highness!" The chef and the other workers bowed to me.

"Is it alright if I occupy the kitchen for a while? I'll be sure to return the kitchen to you in a few hours!" I smiled.

"Your highness! Of course it is alright, there's no need for you to ask!" The chef clapped in joy.

"Great! Please have the day off, I'll handle the meals from here!" I said.

The workers bowed and left the kitchen.

Now I wait.

5:55 AM

6:00 AM


"Ugh this is disgusting!" Jieun gagged at the fish lying on the table as they came in.

"I thought you girls said you weren't coming?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever, we just came for the candy. Just be honored that we're here." Minji rolled her eyes.

I laughed and smirked.

"Well we have a little tiny change of plans."

"Ugh what is it." Jieun crossed her arms.

"We're cooking breakfast for the Royal family and then we'll make it bread and sweets!" I cheerfully said.

"WHAT?!?!" The two girls shouted.

"Heyy, it'll be fun! Today we're making ___!"

"No. We are not-"

"Okay fine." Minji cut Jieun off.

Jieun glared at Minji.

"Great! Let's start by Jieun cutting those and Minji, you wash these." I directed them.

"Excuse me? I'm a PRINCESS! Princesses don't do work." Jieun complained

"So you'd rather be useless and not know how to do anything? Princesses should be able to be dependent on themselves as shouldn't rely on someone else." I shooed her away to go do her work.

6:45 AM

It's been almost 45 minutes and there's been some progress. Except when I tried to keep a conversation, they both ignored me.

"Now, onto the bread and sweets!" I clasped my hands together after seeing we finished the breakfast meals.

"More work?!" Jieun fell down onto a chair that was seated in the corner of the kitchen.

"Jieun, let's get this done and over with." Minji pulled her up.

They act like I forced them to do this, they can actually leave whenever they want. They chose to do this and I'm proud of it.

"Alrighty! Jieun, flour! Minji, eggs!"

"Why are you just standing there? Why don't you do some work too!" Jieun scowled at me.

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