Chapter 12

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"H-Hyung" Jimin dropped his apple when he saw Yoongi standing at his doorway.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked

"We need to talk." Yoongi closed the door.

"Why? We already agreed it was just a mistake and we'd forget about it." Jimin fiddled with his fingers.

"We both know that we both have been thinking about it all the time since it happened." Yoongi stepped closer to Jimin.

"Do you like me?" Yoongi asked straightforwardly.

"W-What?" Jimin looked at Yoongi with shaky eyes.

Yoongi felt guilty after seeing Jimin shaking from putting him on the spot.

"I'll give you time. Answer me when you're ready. Just remember, I won't accept no for an answer." Yoongi winked and left.


Jungkook sipped his banana milk as he watched me read a book while laying on the couch.

"Are you that bored to read a book?" Jungkook asked me.

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP FOR ONE SECOND!" I yelled while sitting up.

"Let's go somewhere." Jungkook drank the last of his 16th banana milk bottle.

"Where?" I took deep breaths to calm myself

"Come on!" Jungkook grabbed my hand and led me outside.

"Your majesty, are you going somewhere? Do you need me to take you?" A palace worker who was with a horse had asked

"No, I will be going with Y/n alone. I will be taking Celeste for a while, I'll bring her back." Jungkook said he got onto the horse.

He extended his hand for me to get on and I took it.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I sat myself onto the horse.

"You'll see, it's a surprise." Jungkook took my arms and wrapped them tight around his waist.

I blushed hard and stuffed my face into Jungkooks back. I heard Jungkook softly chuckle.


"We're here."

I slowly lifted my face off his back and saw a beautiful, grassy land filled with colorful flowers.

"Woah." I stepped down from the horse.

"I know you like flowers so I took you here. This place has been here for our family for hundreds of years. It's where the king is supposed to..." Jungkook cut himself off.

"Supposed to what?" I asked.

"I-It's where the king usually goes for peace and quiet. Yeah!" Jungkook said nervously.

I had a feeling it was more than that but brushed it off.

"This place is the spot that every king of this kingdom has gone to at least once in their lives. Not one king and queen of this kingdom have not been here. It's special." Jungkook smiles.

"Then why am I here?" I asked.

"Um. I don't know, why are you here?" Jungkook asked me.

"Did you really just ask me why I'm here after you're the one who brought me here?"


I softly laughed at him.

"Now that you've brought me here, I want to bring you somewhere." I grabbed his hand and led him to the horse.

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