Chapter 7

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I sat there, in my dress, all fancy. I was sitting on my bed looking nowhere, still shocked at what happened an hour earlier.


"Maybe you weren't listening to a word I just said so in short, I love you." Jungkook presses his lips on mine.

Just a few seconds later, my mind realized that he was kissing me. Our lips moved together as he held me tightly. Soon after, we pulled away slowly.
(Ew I'm cringing)

"L-Love? I-It's only b-been a few days." I stuttered as I looked into his eyes.

Jungkook smiled. He pushed a strand of hair out of my face and chuckled slightly.

"I guess I'm just an easy man." Jungkook said.

{Dude, the script says you're not an easy man though.}

"Well I ain't gonna lie, I'm an easy man" Jungkook shrugged.

{Whatever, stick to the script}

Jungkook rolled his eyes and started over.

"I guess you are just so beautiful that I fell for you too fast." Jungkook said while rolling his eyes again.

"Really? But I'm-"

"Don't you dare say that you're a low class again. I'm sick of it, low class high class. Just because you're a commoner, it doesn't make you any less of a human." Jungkook places his forehead against mine.

I didn't know what to say so I did the next thing that came to mind. I leaned up and placed my lips on his.



I ruffled my hair out of embarrassment. Why did I do that! Wait...

What are we now?

"Y/n dear! Are you ready yet?" I heard my mother from the other side of my door.

"Coming!" I said while putting on the heels that Jungkook gave me.

They matched the same exact color of my dress. (Up to your imagination, it doesn't even have to be a dress. It just can't be a Spider-Man suit :)

I checked in my full body mirror and tilted my head in confusion.

"Who the heck is that ugly fa- oh wait that's me." I gasped

I shook my head and walked to the door. I opened the door to see my father leaning on the wall. He stopped leaning as soon as he heard the door open. He look towards me and stopped all his movement, including his breathing.

"Y/n, y-you're beautiful. Are you sure you're my daughter?" My dad looked at me up and down with love in his eyes.

"Did you just ask me if I'm your daughter?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Never mind, your mother is waiting downstairs." He snapped out of it.

"Dad, you look handsome but fix your hair. It looks messy." I laughed at the few hairs sticking out.

"Oh haha, I don't usually pay attention to my look so this is new for me." He fixed his hair and his new outfit the Jungkook has brought him.

I smiled and we went downstairs to see my mom in a beautiful dress with her hair and makeup done.

"Oh my goodness! Is that my daughter?" My mother asked

"Seriously, do you guys not know you have a daughter?" I rolled my eyes

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