Chapter 18

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Jungkook has been quite distant from me. Naeun was right, I won't be seeing him a lot because he's been too busy.

"I'm so curious that I'm dying!" I punched the pillow furiously.

"Stop abusing the pillow."

I look behind me to see Taehyung leaning on the doorway.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Jimin?" I threw the pillow at him.

As he caught the pillow, he pouted and ran to sit on the bed with me.

"Jimin has been avoiding me ever since I asked how his date with Yoongi went! He's ignoring me-" Taehyung got cut off by me.

"Wait wait wait! Jimin and Yoongi are gay?"

"Oh right, he never told you because I'M his best friend NOT YOU!" Taehyung
flipped his imaginary hair.

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, did you do anything wrong for him to avoid you?"

"No but I have a feeling something happened on his date." Taehyung crosses his arms.

"How about we help each other out. I'll help you with your little problem with Jimin and you help me with mine."

"What's your little problem?" Taehyung raised his eyebrow.

I sighed

"Jungkook has been distant with me too. He's always in his work room and I barely see him. He doesn't even come to eat!" My fave turned gloomy.

"OH OH I KNOW WHY!" Taehyung got excited.


"There are these two special girls that love Jungkook to death. Naeun invited them here and Jungkook is just stressed out. They're spoiled brats and they get what they want. Jungkook is especially close with one of them and even went on a date with her. Jungkook is preparing all sorts of things to make them happy because if they're not happy..." Taehyung shivered at the thought.

"These girls must be special to Jungkook." My face turned dark.

"Are you...jealous?" Taehyung held in his laugh.

"Taehyung, you just told me that two girls that love Jungkook to death are coming to the palace and Jungkook is trying really hard to please them. How could I not be!" I hit him.

"Ow! I didn't think you would openly admit it that you were jealous. You didn't deny it at all." Taehyung rubbed the spot that I hit.

"Anyways, help me with Jimin." He said

"Tell me, specifically what is going on." I sighed.


Taehyung was sitting on the couch in the palace, waiting for Jimin to arrive from his date. It was late and Jimin hadn't come back. Taehyung got a little worried and even slept on the couch in case Jimin came.

But he never did.

Jimin had been gone the whole night, making Taehyung stressed yet relieved. Jimin always felt on edge and stressed recently whenever he's in the palace. Just imagine living in the same place as your crush and the fiancé of your crush.

"Taehyung? Wake up, wake up!"

Taehyung woke up to see Jungkook in front of him.

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