Chapter 3

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"This is where you'll be staying. Call my butler Namjoon if anything is needed. It's best that you change into this instead of your rags." Jungkook pulled out a dress out of the closet.

Excuse me? Rags? You motherfu-BEEEEEP

I took the dress and he smiled lightly. I'm not gonna lie, he is beautiful.

"Go take a bath, I'll be waiting here." Jungkook sat down comfortably in my new bed.

I nodded and quietly took the dress and went inside the bathroom. As I walked in, my jaw dropped to the floor. I quickly locked the door and ran happily around the huge bathroom forgetting all the pain on my body.

This bathroom is the size of my whole house! I didn't think that was even possible! I took bathed myself, dried my hair, and used almost every product on the sink that I could. I am in THE PALACE, I need to look decent! I picked up the dress Jungkook had gave me. Rags. I shook my head.

I put on the dress and some shoes that Jungkook set next to the bathroom door and looked in the full body mirror.

I look...


I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jungkook looking out the window.

"Uh, your majesty?" My voice was little.

He looked back and saw me. His eyes widened. 'She's so beautiful' he thought. He cleared his throat.

"Call me Jungkook. Its uncomfortable being called your majesty."

"But princess Naeun-"

"The princess doesn't matter. You're different," Jungkook said while walking towards me

"You're special." Jungkook whispered in my ear.

(You make me feel speciaaaal)

I shivered as I could feel his breath against my ear. My cheeks suddenly become red. Jungkook stepped back and giggled like a little child.

"Your face!" He laughed hard, his bunny teeth were clearly showing.

Cute (In Jacksons voice)

Wait, not cute! Sure he can act nice and all, but next thing you know, he could betray you and have the whole kingdom go against you. At least that's what the past kings have done to other kingdoms. Jungkook is no different.

"HAHAHA YOU BLUSHED!" Jungkook jumped around the room.

My cheeks felt hotter and hotter each second. Then he suddenly came to a stop.

"Wait. You're blushing. Does that mean you like me!!!" Jungkook grabbed my hands.

My cheeks were as red as hyuna's song by now.

"Of course not! Y-Your majesty." Sweat started forming in my hands that were being held.

"What did I just say?" Jungkook tightened his grip

"T-To call you by your name?" I said in a question.

"And what is my name?" Jungkook leaned in closer to my face.

Our faces were only a few inches apart.


"Your majesty!" A voice bursted in the room.

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