Chapter 16

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Jungkook cleared his throat.

"H-Here, this is the delicious part." Jungkook placed the piece of meat onto Jimin's plate.

Everyone except me looked shocked and confused. The maids were whispering to each other while my parents hurriedly shoved their food into their mouths knowing drama is coming. Not once had Jungkook showed any emotion towards his family members.

"Why..." Jimin looked at Jungkook weirdly and set his fork down.

"What? I can't be nice to my brother?" Jungkook held my hand under the table from nervousness.

He was shaking.

"Brother? Since when did you think of me as a brother!" Jimin slammed the table with his fist.

"Uh I think we're done here." My parents hurriedly snuck out of the dining room.

"Ladies, your time is done here in this dining room." Namjoon came out of nowhere and led the maids out of the dining room.

Once everyone except the three of us were gone, Jungkook spoke up.

"Jimin. I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt your feelings. I-I just have a hard time expressing my feelings and acted cold towards you. I admit, I'm jealous of you. Father always cared for you and it clearly showed. While I had to take on the role of king, a role I never wanted that required leading a whole kingdom while you got to be free. I was just jealous." Jungkook held my hand tighter.

I kept eating, listening to the conversation. I was hungry, don't judge me.

"You think I never knew that? I knew you could never express your feelings so I had always followed you, talked to you, cheered you on! I always understood why you hated me but I never hated you! Until you stole MY crush! You stole MY LOVE!" Jimin threw his fork across the room.

"Jimin..." I looked at jimin sadly.

"Ha, the only reason you're considering my existence is because of Y/n isn't it?" Jimin laughed bitterly.

"No. It wasn't because of Y/n. Y/n just opened my eyes to how badly I treated you. But I had always considered you as a brother. I just never expressed it well." Jungkook looked down.

Jimin sighed deeply.

"I'll give you a chance. I'll give you ONE chance to show you want me as a brother, but you better not ruin this" Jimin got up and left the room.

"you did it."

"I did it. Not because of the promise, but because I wanted to." Jungkook smiled.

"Good job, I'm proud of you. Now you better not ruin this chance you are getting." I said seriously.

"I won't!" Jungkook said confidently.

(Last night in Jungkooks room)

"I won't do that again. What can I do to make you forgive me?" Jungkook held my hands.

I thought for a moment and it came to me.

"Apologize to Jimin and care for him as a brother."

"What? Why~" Jungkook whined

"First of all, he is your brother. Second, I want my best friend and h-husband to get along. I shouldn't even have to tell you this with the fact that you two are brothers. Tell him how you actually feel."

"You called me your husband and we're not even married yet~" Jungkook giggles and poked my arm.

"Shut up, we will be soon according to you." I rolled my eyes.

"Do you not want to?" Jungkook looked down.

"W-Wait I didn't mean that..." I panicked

"I'm kidding!" Jungkook laughed and rolled around the bed.

I scoffed at his childlike behavior and crossed my arms.

~ (back to the present hehe)

"TAE TAE WHAT DID I JUST DO?!" Jimin shrieked.

"Why are you asking me? You just show up at my door screaming in my face." Taehyung rolled his eyes and left the door open as he walked to the couch.

Jimin invited himself into Taehyung's home and shut the door.

"DID I LOOK COOL IN FRONT OF Y/N?! NO I LOOKED LIKE A TOTAL IDIOT! WHAT IF SHE HATES ME FOR BEING SO CRUEL TO HIM!" Jimin stuck his head into the couch pillows and kicked his feet everywhere, whining.

"You done?" Taehyung sat on the couch that was opposite of where Jimin was sitting, with his arm crossed.

"WHAT WAS I THINKING?! Y/N WILL THINK I'M DIFFERENT NOW AND WON'T LIKE ME ANYMORE. TAE TAE TALK TO MEEEEE!" Jimin whined and shook his own body rapidly at the last part.

"Now are you done?"



Jimin finally sat still and nodded like a child who is being disciplined by an adult.

"Start." Taehyung snapped his fingers.

Jimin sat next to Taehyung and scooted close to him.

"Jungkook apologized to me and wanted to finally act like my brother but I wanted to impress Y/n. Since she likes Jungkook, I guessed she's into mean and cold guys so I wanted to be a manly man for her. But I got too into character that I went overboard and I was like ROAR to Jungkook and now I regret it because what if Y/n hates me now for being mean to her fiancé and unfriends me cuz I acted differently and BDMWOXJEKJSJ!" Jimin was pulling on Taehyung's sleeve the whole time and now even biting it.

"First of all, get your nasty mouth off of me." Taehyung shook Jimin's teeth off.

"You guys are best friends. (Not that I'm jealous or anything) You have a reason to act that way towards Jungkook. I mean after so many years of him acting horrible towards you, you must feel at least a little resentment towards him." Jimin nodded as he carefully listened.

"Let me ask you. Knowing Y/n, do you really think she's gonna hate you for that?"


"Exactly! You have nothing to worry about now! Now get out." Taehyung stood up and pushed Jimin away.


"What now!" Taehyung groaned as he sat back down.

"I have a date with Yoongi and I don't know what to wear." Jimin gave him puppy eyes.

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