Chapter 4

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I woke up and squinted. I realized I was in someone's arms, arms that were comfortable. I look up and see the kings face right next to mine. I didn't move. His face next to mine, his arms wrapped around me, our legs tangled together.

I look to the doorway to see a man with his jaw wide open. He dropped his bag and cleared his throat

"W-What?" I was still confused only being less than half awake.

"Uhm. Sorry to wake you. But um just tell Jungkook that I'll be downstairs." The guy quickly scurried out.

Me, being still confused and tired, just laid my head back down on a comfy chest. Not caring whose it was.


Yoongi dropped the bag of McDonald's inside the room and scurried away.

'What the. Why the heck is a girl sleeping with Kookie?! Since when did he start hitting girls up! Wait, wasn't that girl from the parade who fell? No, she had dirty rags on. That girl had a dress. Or was it?

I don't know but that useless Jungkook made me walk around the whole palace looking for him! Who would've guessed he would be in a guest room! I only knew he was there because a maid told me he was in there.' Yoongi thought.

Yoongi walked down the huge hall in the palace until he bumped into someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I wasn't looking! Wait, Yoongi!" The feminine voice said happily.

"Your highness, what are you doing in the king's palace?" Yoongi asked

"I came to see Jungkook but I don't see him. Has he gone out?" Naeun asked.

"Y-Yeah, he went to go plan for the ball tonight." Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Yoongi knew that the princess had a huge crush on the king. It would break her heart if she knew that Jungkook was in bed with another woman. No matter what the meaning "in bed" is.

"Alright, I guess I'll come back later when he comes back. Thank you!" The princess walked away.

Yoongi sighed. His ranking is in the high class but not the royalty. No matter how high of a class he is, he gets extremely nervous in front of the royalty besides Jungkook, his best friend.


Jungkook opened his eyes slowly and woke up to a beautiful face in front of him.

'I want to wake up to this every morning' Jungkook thought.

Jungkook tucked my hair back and smiled brightly. He slowly stroked my face and whispered,



"What the hell you want." I said without thinking.

Then I shot my eyes open to see Jungkook smiling with his bunny teeth.

"Oh my goodness! I didn't mean to say that your- Jungkook!" I panicked

He giggled and hugged me.

"I like it." He stuffed his head in my neck.

"You smell good." Jungkook sniffed me weirdly.

"Um, Jungkook. Are we going to get up?" I asked

"Why should we? I don't wanna." Jungkook hugged me tighter.

"If anyone sees this, I'll get in trouble!" I tapped his arm.

"I won't let that happen. Stay." Jungkook whined

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