Chapter 1

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Today was the parade for the new crowned king. Which means more people to sell bread to! Ugh, these rich arrogant royalties spend so much money on the parade while I'm living in a hell trying to make a penny.

These kings don't do anything but be rude and brainwash all the people here. Bragging endlessly about their money and how much control they have. There was only one royal that is actually nic-

"Y/n!" A fine handsome man smiled.

I snapped back to reality as someone called out my name. Yep, he's hot.

"Jimin! You're back!" I set down my bread basket.

"I came back yesterday since the royal meeting ended early." The Prince smiled brightly.

"And you didn't come see me! I had no customers since you left." I pouted.

"I was busy preparing for my brothers parade so I had no time to visit you, I'm sorry." How could anyone stay angry at him when he looks like a complete angel. No wait, he is an angel!

"You work too hard these days, how come you're not king. You're older anyways."

"I told you already, its a royal secret." Jimin still smiled brightly.

"Yeah yeah, I'm not getting into that royal stuff. I'll only be going to the parade just so I can make money." I pick my bread basket back up.

"Why can't you just let me give you money? I'll spoil you!" Jimin crossed his arms.

"No. I work for my money, now go before any of the royal guards see you with me." I shooed him away

"Fine, but I'll buy these." He took two bread bags and stuck the money inside my pocket.

He waved goodbye and ran away. I quickly set the basket down again and checked the money.


He paid me 500 when its only 15! Ugh, why does he have to be such an angel. Why can't the other royals be like him instead of spending money on jewelry and clothing.

I picked up the basket AGAIN and walked around the busy streets to sell these breads.


"Darling, stop overworking yourself. You'll faint anytime soon!" My father took the empty basket from me.

"I'm fine, I even sold all of the bread!"

He sighed deeply and was about to argue but my mother came in.

"You two have to same conversation everyday. Y/n, go to bed. The parade tomorrow will be very tiring and we both know that I will not let you go if you are exhausted." My mother said sternly.

I nodded and head to my room or should I say the storage room. Our house only had one single bedroom due to the small amount of money we had. My parents tried forcing me to sleep in the bedroom but they lost in rock paper scissors, and I obviously chose the storage room.

I mean it's not so bad when there's sweet and wonderful bread surrounding you. Actually maybe it is. The scent of thousands of bags of bread make me dizzy. But I can't complain.

There are people living on the streets that can't even afford food while I have tons of food right next to me when I sleep. Anyways, after getting ready for bed, I closed my eyes and fell asleep


"Jungkook-ah, when are you going to find your queen? You're already the new crowned king and all you need now is your queen."

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