Chapter 19

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WARNING: mentions of sex/sexual activity (No smut)

"YOUR MAJESTYYYYYYYY!" Taehyung swirled to Jungkook's work room.

"I'm busy, go play charades with Jimin or something." Jungkook looked through the papers in his hands.

"Busy trying to please those two little brats?" Taehyung leaned on the door way.

Jungkook looked up at him and sighed.

"You know this is all your sisters fault right? I'm sure you wouldn't let me chop your sisters head off so shall I behead you in her place?" Jungkook smiled

Taehyung laughed nervously.

"D-Don't be like that kookie! My sister is sorry!"

Jungkook glared at him and went back to reason his papers. Taehyung cleared his throat.

"Uh...I have a tiny little favor to ask." Taehyung fiddled with his fingers.


"But you don't even know what it is!" Taehyung whined.

"No." Jungkook said sternly.

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I want you to tell Yoongi to meet-"

"No. Do it yourself" Jungkook interrupted.

"But I have no way of contacting him!" He stomped his feet

"Too bad."

"At least give me his address"

"FINE! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" Jungkook bursts.

He wrote down the address and threw it at Taehyung.

"Thank you my kookie!" He blew a kiss at him.

Jungkook looked at him in disgust as Taehyung left the room and swirled out the door.


Knock knock


"Is he not home?" Taehyung asked himself after knocking on Yoongi's door.

"MIN YOONGI!!! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW OR ILL GET JIMIN TO DO IT!" Taehyung banged on Yoongi's door.

"SHUT THE FU-BEEEEEP UP" Yoongi finally opened the door and glared the happy Taehyung.

"Took you long enough." Taehyung invited himself in Yoongi's home.

"Get out, who told you that you can come in." Yoongi grit his teeth.

"I have a photo of you stealing food from the palace but I guess you don't want me to get rid of it..." Taehyung was about to walk out.

"Have a seat, you are more than welcome!" Yoongi seated Taehyung down on his couch.

"Let's talk first, what happened on the day you and Jimin went on a date." Taehyung went straight to the point.

Yoongi clenches his fists.

"Why do you need to know?"

"So something did happen judging by your reaction. Jimin has been acting weird since that date and I need to know what happened to my best friend." Taehyung crossed his arms, trying to look confident.

"Well drop it, you shouldn't be involving yourself in your best friends personal business."

"Are you going to give me the photo or not?" Yoongi wanted this to be over quickly.

"Not yet. I won't give you it until you tell me what happened that day!"

"Nothing happened, we just went on a nice date. Now give me the photo." Yoongi was getting impatient.

"No! Something did happen! Tell me! I won't leave until you tell me!"

Yoongi breathed in and out to calm himself down. He was not about to murder a prince.

"Look, why don't you ask Jimin. I'm sure he knows fully well what he did." Yoongi said through his gritted teeth.

"What he did? He did something wrong didn't he? What was it? I'm curious, TELL ME!" Taehyung whined.

"You know what, fine! I'll post these photos of you committing a great crime, you'll be sent to the dungeon for stealing the king's most precious food!" Taehyung was about to get up and leave until Yoongi finally said something.



"Was he bottom or top?"

"You've got to be kidding me, that's what you're asking?" Yoongi looked at him in disbelief.

"Okay never mind that. So that's why he was acting weird? But why were you acting like he did something wrong? Did he perhaps accidentally bite your di-"

"Shut up before I commit an even bigger crime and murder you, your highness" Yoongi smiled innocently.

Taehyung sweated nervously, so many people threatened to kill him today that he's starting to worry his life.

"T-Then what is it, you sounded mad at Jimin."

"When I woke up, he wasn't there. But I saw a note, it said to forget everything that happened." Yoongi clenched his fists once again.

"Forget everything that happened? BUT WHY?!"

"Why are you asking me? Ask your best friend, don't come to me about him again." Yoongi got up and opened the door for him to leave.

"Wait, hand me that photo." Yoongi held his hand out.

"Oh that was a lie, I actually didn't even know you stole food from the palace. I just made it up, I didn't know it's actually something you've done. There's no photo" Taehyung laughed.

"Get.the.fu-BEEEEP.out." Yoongi kicked the laughing prince outside of his home.

"Ah, what a nice and lovely man." Taehyung scoffed.



I was fiddling my fingers while sitting on the bed that I shared with Jungkook, though he has been falling asleep in his office ever since Naeun had talked to him.

I never thought that I would say this but I miss Jungkook.

"WHERE IS PARK JIMIN!" I heard from downstairs.

I head towards the yelling to see Taehyung stomping towards me.

"IS JIMIN HERE?" Taehyung huffed.

"Yeah he's in his bedroom like always." I said confused.

Taehyung stomped towards Jimin's room, I decided to follow him because I was curious.

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