Chapter 22

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The day of the ball

I was sitting in my room, wondering what I should wear. Should I wear the dress I wore last time for the ball?

No, it'll ruin the royals reputation. I can't be seen wearing the same dress at a ball twice.

*knock knock*

"Come in."

A maid then entered with two boxes.

"His majesty sent these for the celebration. His majesty apologizes for not being able to give this to you in person." The maid gave it to me and left the room.

I opened the box to see a beautiful (color) dress. I opened the second box which was a bit smaller, it was matching shoes that went along with my dress.

They both look very familiar...

I went to my drawer and got my special notebook out. I flipped through the pages to see a similar dress that I drew. I chuckled.

I can't tell if I should be upset that Jungkook went through my journal and copied my dresses or thankful.

I smiled at his thoughtfulness, I can't wait to see him at the ball. But at the same time, I'm scared.


Jungkook has been stressed and overworked ever since he got the news that the two princess will be arriving at the kingdom.

He misses Y/n so much.

"Jieun and Minji requested for a big entrance, they want to make sure everyone knows who they are and that they are special." Naeun read the letter she received to Jungkook.

"Alright, you can go now." He sighed and rubbed his eyes from exhaustion.

"You're majesty, you won't be able to rest well when the princesses are here. I suggest you rest as much as you can before they arrive." Naeun said.

"Guess whose fault that is." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know inviting them would make you so restless..." Naeun kept her head down, apologetically.

"That's enough, you're dismissed." Jungkook continued his work.


"Wooooah that's my best friend!" Taehyung said to Jimin who was dusting off his suit.

"Tae, you see me in a suit like everyday." Jimin looked at him weirdly.

"Hey, is it bad to encourage and cheer a friend?"

Jimin shook his head while smiling, he glanced at Taehyung and looked at him up and down.

"You look pretty nice yourself." Jimin said.

"Jimin! I'm in my pajamas!" Taehyung whined.


Sometimes I forget that my parents lived in the same palace, I rarely see them since I've been coming to eat meals late. I walk to my parents room to see them giggling over my moms dress.

"Mother, you look beautiful." I smiled widely to her.

"Ohhh my babyyy!" My mom came over to me and kissed me everywhere.

"Okay okay, father get her off of me!" I laughed while trying to pry my mom off of me.

"Honey, her makeup will get ruined!" My father pulled mother off.

"You look beautiful sweetie." My father said.

"You look great too, let's ride the carriage together." We all went to the carriage that would bring us to the ballroom on the other side of the palace.

The palace is just so big that we have to ride a carriage to the other side. When we arrived, we were more welcomed than the last time we went to the ball.

"Y/n!" Jungkook stood up from his throne happily but his mother and father glared at him for losing posture and face.

Jungkook retreated because of that and sat back down, looking cold hearted again.

I almost burst out laughing at his sudden change. I walk up to their thrones to exchange greetings.

"Your majesties." I curtsied

"Y/n, I had a throne made for you." Jungkook smiled.

I looked at the empty chair beside him. I bowed and sat on the chair.

I have never once thought, I would be sitting here. Where only the highest of royals sit here, kings, queens, princes, princesses. And now I'm here.

"Shall we dance?" Jungkook extended out his hand.

"But I just sat down." I pouted.

I took his hand anyway and he led me to the dance floor. The others left space for us and waited to watch us dance.

As we danced, I got very nervous. What if I tripped? What if I made a mistake? I haven't even practiced enough for this.

"You're doing great." Jungkook whispered as if he read my mind.


Jungkook and I looked towards the door where the two girls will be entering. Everybody cleared the way for the doors, everybody whispering to each other.

Suddenly, the doors opened.

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