Chapter 2

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"Hoseok, buy every single piece of bread that this beautiful young lady has dropped." Jungkook said

"Huh?" I was confused as to why the KING was acting like this.

"Jungkook, what are you doing!" The princess next to Jimin had asked while stepping up.

"It is your majesty, not Jungkook. You dare question your king? Hoseok, I will not say it again, do not just stand there." Jungkook said sternly

"Y-Yes your majesty!"

Hoseok tried to count all the pieces that fell to pay but was soon yelled at.

"Are you stupid?! Just pay her a thousand you idiot!" Jungkook sighed

"N-No need your majesty, it doesn't cost that much!" I held my head down low as I held my scraped arm.

It wasn't bleeding a lot but holding it helped soothe my self. Just a little blood was on my arm from being pushed too hard but nothing serious.

"Pay her and take her to the royal doctor." Jungkook hopped back on his horse as Hoseok helped me stand up.

"I'm fine, I don't need a doctor. A bandaid will do just fine." I picked up my baskets to leave.

"I order you to go to the royal doctor. Are you going against the king's order?" Jungkook smirked

I sighed and Hoseok started to walk me to a horse that had been also walking in the parade.

This guy is starting to really annoy me, like I'm working right now!

"I'll take her to the doctor." A voice said.

We all look towards the owner of the voice in shock.

"Hoseok is needed to be beside you at all times. This parade is a bit out of my style anyway." Jimin said grabbing my wrist.

Jungkook looked at him suspiciously but agreed. I look all around me and see many people scowling at me, both male and female, except the princess who just looked sad and upset. Especially the girl from earlier was glaring daggers at me.

Jimin hopped on the horse and held out his hand for me to get on. I took it and though it was difficult with my knees and arms being hurt, I set myself behind him. He soon rode the horse to the palace.


The whole ride to the palace was silent, not a single word was spoken. Jimin gets off first and held his hand out again. Once again, I took it and carefully jumped off the horse. The guards stepped aside from the gate and let us in knowing Jimin is the prince.

We walked inside the palace, none of us even glanced at each other. I held my head down as I followed the sound of his footsteps. I was still holding my arm as it hurt a lot.

"Get me the royal doctor." Jimin told a maid.

She bowed and quickly scurried away. He sat me on a couch that looked like it cost twice the amount of my house. Jimin looked around to see if anyone was here. Luckily, no one.

"I-I'm sorry." Jimin sat on the couch in front of me and looked down to his feet in shame.

"Your highness, why are you apologizing?" I asked.

"See! You called me your highness! You never called me that until now! I'm sorry that I didn't do anything to help you when you fell in front of all those people, I feel ashamed of my behavior! I'm truly sorry Y/n, I-I just couldn't bring myself to move." Jimin buried his face into his hands.

I limped to where Jimin was sitting and kneeled in front of him. I took his hand out of his face and saw his face full of sadness and guilt.

"There's nothing to be apologizing for. I'm a lowly commoner and you're the prince. Wouldn't it be reasonable to keep our friendship a secret? I would also be ashamed and embarrassed of myself if I were you. I'm used to it anyways, we should start to keep distance." I laughed

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