Chapter 23

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Suddenly, the doors opened.


Jungkook quickly let go of my hand and distanced himself away from me.

"OPPAAAA!!!!" Both of the little girls ran towards Jungkook and jumped on him.

Jungkook grunted as he tried to hold both of them steadily.

"Oppa! You got married without my permission!!" One of the princesses spoke.

"Oppa! Where is she! I'm going to teach her a lesson!" The other princess spoke.

"Girls, welcome back. I hope the decorations are to your liking." Jungkook tried to change the subject.

"Are those unicorns!!" One of the girls asked while pointed to the ice sculpture that was actually of his royal horse.

"Uh sure!" Jungkook laughed

"Don't change the subject, where is she." The other asked sternly.

I smiled and stepped in.

"H-Hi, I'm Y/n! I'm-"

"Who gave you permission to speak to me?" The princess looked at me up and down.

I raised my eyebrow at her as Jungkook looked at me apologetically.

"Jieun, Minji, this is my wife. Y/n, these are my two cousins, Jeon Jieun and Jeon Minji." Jungkook held my hand.

"It's PRINCESS Jieun to you, old hag." She rolled her eyes.

I scoffed at her in disbelief. How could a little girl be so disrespectful.

"How is she your wife? Oppa, your types are getting worse every time we visit." Minji shook her head.

I scoffed once again.

"Okay, look here little girls. How old are you? 8? You look like it. You need to be more respectful towards people older than you, don't be so bratty and learn some manners." I put my hands on my hips.

The crowd around us gasped.

"We are NOT little girls! We're 13!"  Jieun glared.

"Then act like it." I glared back

I can't believe I'm fighting with a 13 year old.

"T-Taehyung, t-take Y/n somewhere...that's not here." Jungkook motioned to Taehyung who had his jaw dropped to the floor.

Taehyung hesitantly led me out of the ballroom, and out to the balcony. He closed the door to the balcony and sighed.

"What was that? Also you lied to me!" I crossed my arms.

"I never lied, all I said was that there were two girls that loved Jungkook." He shrugged.

"And yet you watched me panic and get jealous, doing nothing about it." I raised my eyebrow at him.

He cleared his throat and looked away.

"Anyway, speaking like that to the two princesses is a big no no. They're Jungkook's cousins and they get whatever they want, even if that is you getting murdered. They hold more power than Jungkook." Taehyung shivered at the thought.

"They're just two little girls, princesses to be specific. Much lower than the actual king, how could they have more power than Jungkook." I rolled my eyes.

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