Chapter 8

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I stood there frozen, trying to take in what he just said.

"JUNGKOOK WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jungkook's mother said through her gritted teeth.

"This is outrageous! What kind of royalty marries a commoner! A princess is more fit!" Someone from the crowd said.

I look around the crowd to see Jimin standing next to Yoongi and Taehyung, confused. I also see princess Naeun with teary eyes. I hung my head low as I heard more complaints. I didn't think I was THAT bad.

Jungkook's father coughed and got up. He stared at me up and down for a few seconds then turned to Jungkook.

"If that's what you want, fine. You're the king, you get what you want." Jungkooks father said before glaring right into my eyes.

"Dear this is not-" Jungkook's mother started.

"Do not act like you have a say in this, be grateful I didn't dump you into the streets of rats." Jungkook's father whispered loud enough for me and Jungkook to hear.

I widened my eyes at the former kings words. I guess the rumors were true. The king only kept the queen for his reputation.

No matter how much his mother annoyed him, Jungkook would not stand for his "father" speaking that way towards his mother. Jungkook stood in front of his mother, blocking his father.

"I don't need an old fart telling my mother trash." Jungkook said sternly.

I glanced at the three of them, then the crowd again. They were confused at what was happening because they couldn't hear anything we were saying. Jungkook's father stood straight and walked away towards the exit.

Jungkook's mother let out the breath she had been holding in. She looked scared for her life. She lightly smile at Jungkook and rushed towards Jungkook's fathers direction to calm him down.


"What just happened." Yoongi said aloud.

"I don't know." Jimin said while staring at Y/n who was staring at Jungkook.

"So her name's Y/n." Taehyung nodded to himself.


The three turned around to see Naeun.

"D-Did you guys know of this?" Naeun's voice shook.

"Y-Your highness, we did not know. I'm sorry." Yoongi looked down.

Naeun nodded.

"I guess I didn't try hard enough to earn his majesty's heart." She laughed bitterly.

"Noona..." Taehyung looked at Naeun sadly.

Naeun walked away before glancing at Jungkook who was standing next to Y/n.


"Jungkook, explain." I crossed my arms.

We were standing in the hallway where no one was. The ball continued after what had just happened.

"Isn't it great! You and me! King and queen!"

"Me a queen? Not to be rude your majesty but are you crazy?" I asked.

"Crazy for you, my queen." Jungkook winked.

"I am not a queen and I will never be."

Jungkooks smile faltered.

"You really hate me don't you? Do you really not like me? Of course you don't, you just rejected me." Jungkook laughed broken heartedly.

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