Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

January 28th 20XX

Hawks’s Apartment

6:33 AM


Hawks never woke up this early but a call from Aya was expected so he knew he had to answer. His ring tone was the Endeavor cereal commercial from over 20 something years ago back. He remembered how they did the bottle slip challenge thing that his mother used to joke about when she remembered her childhood.

Hawks shook his head he needed to stay focused if he was going to speak to Aya. He knew that this conversation was going to be rough to say the least.

Hawks: Hey Aya

Aya: First don't say Hey Aya I am your superior

Hawks: I know I know just tell me what is up

Aya: Lucky Seven isn't talking, well more like he tried to bite his tounge off. Did this guy seem like the kind of guy to do something like this

Hawks: No not at all, do you want me to come down

Aya: No I want you to tell me if I am missing any small details, no hiding any part of the truth

Hawks: Well does the name Atlas help

Aya: Wait Atlas, are you serious, did they say Atlas.

Hawks: Well yeah I don't know if it was Lucky Seven or...

Aya: Dammit you should have led with that

Hawks: Why what exactly is Atlas

Aya: It's a criminal organization. Well that is an understatement but that is all I can say

Hawks: Are you serious

Aya: Look I need you to just do something for me

Hawks: What is it

Aya: I am sending you an address, in apartment 4-W you will find a women named Sakura

Hawks: Common name

Aya: She is 82 years old so she won't be too hard to tell apart

Hawks: You should have lead with that then, it would have made much more sense

Aya: I don't need the back talk, I need you to solve this fire crime and do what you did to Lucky Seven

Hawks: Yeah yeah I know

Aya: Good I'll talk to you later

Aya hung up leaving Hawks alone once more. He walked over to the couch pulling up the area she sent him. Luckily it wasn't too far away but still it would be a serious hassle.

He figured he would fly there to save some time. Nothing like flying to clear his mind. He figured working himself up about Lucky Seven would just cause him stress something he much wanted to avoid at this point. He would get dressed. Eat some food and fly over to find this Sakura lady.

Hero Society Origins: HawksWhere stories live. Discover now