Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

January 26th 20XX

Tokyo, Japan: Hawks's Apartment

11:00 AM

A little over three months before the USJ incident began another mystery was brewing in the capital. Hawks was sent out to investigate an underground crime ring. Heroes like All Might were to flashy for this sort of things and with Eraserhead teaching at U.A there was no one to do the job besides Hawks. He was moved into an apartment skyscraper building. Tall enough for him to take off in flight if he needed to.

The crime ring in question centered around a mysterious individual who went by a the number seven. Not much was known about him other than he was intimidating. He led his group with an iron fist and his followers were clearly loyal to him, however it was rumored that the don't last long. The group specialized in creating a drug that could the negative impact of a quirk, however it was addictive and overdosing was a common occurrence.

Hawks read the files over again, thinking back to the trigger incident a couple of years ago. A drug that sent quirks out of control, it was possible that this could be related to something bigger and that's what Hawks was going to find out. This is what he was trained for and he was more than ready to prove himself.

His apartment window had a open view of the city, letting him see all of the buildings in the area. He yawned and did a quick stretch before opening the windows, the air was cool, it woke him up, stimulating his senses. Hawks loved fresh air, maybe it was a by product of his quirk or the idea of freedom that came with the air..

He turned around and walked to the table where his new googles had come in, he had been waiting for them to arrive. He hadn't opened them yet he wanted to truly appreciate how much these googles would help him in his mission. Taking them out of their case he put them on, information flooded his eyes as he tapped the sides adjusting the settings. He pulled up the files on this group, calling it the group was an issue he would need to find out more, and in order to do that he would have to go undercover. He threw on a hoodie and prepared to go into the criminal underbelly that was festering under his very nose.

*Author's Note*

This was originally a one shot that I extended to fit the Hero Society Series, the writing may not be on par with the main series but I am working to make sure the next few chapters of this book come out amazing!

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